I heard the date of the release and first details of the film adaptation of Gran Turismo, from Neil Blomkamp

Sony announced last month that three new adaptations of its main video game franchise were being produced. The remake of God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn will be the first in the series. There will also be a movie that is based on Neil Blomkamp’s Gran Turismo racing sim (District 9, Chappie and Demoni). Today, the first details of the highly anticipated racing movie were released and a release date was established.

Gran Turismo’s film adaptation creators plan to release the movie on the big screen in the coming year, which will be the 11th August 2023. Postproduction is now in full swing after the production just began.

Based on one of many GT Academy releases, the plot of the movie was created. This film is the true story about an American fan who became a professional racer.

Fans can now see Zero Dawn in film so they can choose the best actress.