Pokemon Fire Type Weakness – How to beat easy & Counters

How to beat Pokemon Fire Type Weakness and Counters. This article will provide information about Pokemon Fire Type Weakness. Weakness, Counters and effectiveness.


Pokemon Fire Type Weakness – Main Info

In Pokemon Go, damage multiplier is x2. (Pokemon take double damage) and x0.5 (Pokemon take half damage).

The Pokemon Fire Type is a weakness in Pokemon Go.

  • Rock- x1.6
  • Ground- x1.6
  • Water- x1.6

A pokemon with normal or charged attack will have increased to fight Fire Type pokemon.

Pokemon Fire Type Weakness- The Best Pokemon Against Fire Type

These are the top pokemon in Pokemon GO that can beat Fire Type. Please refer to the following list if you need pokemon against Fire Type.

Fire Type counters are the best pokemon counters to Fire Type pokemon.


The Best Pokemon To Use in a Fire Type Are:

No Legendary Complements

  • Rampardos
    • Quick Move: Smackdown ( Rock)
    • Main Move: Rock Slide ( Rock).
  • Kingler
    • Quick Move: Bubble ( water) or Mud Shot( ground).
    • Main Move: Crabhammer ( water).
  • Excadrill
    • Quick Move: Mud-Slap, Mud Shot ( ground).
    • Main Move: Earthquake ( , Ground).
  • Rhyperior
    • Quick Move: Mud-Slap Ground or Smack Down Rock
    • Main Move: Rock Wrecker – Rock or Earthquake – Ground
  • Garchomp
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot (Ground)
    • Main Move: Earthquake ( Ground).

Legendary Counters

  • Landorus (Therian)
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot ( ground) Rock Throwing ( Rock).
    • Main Move: Earthquake ( Ground).
  • Landorus (Therian)
    • Quick Move: Rock Throw ( Rock).
    • Main Move: Earth Power ( Ground).
  • Kyogre
    • Quick Move: Waterfall ( )
    • Main Move: Hydro Pump & Surf (Water)
  • Groudon
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot ( Ground )
    • Main Move: Earthquake ( , Ground).
  • Terrakion
    • Quick Move: Smackdown ( Rock)
    • Main Move: Rock Slide, Rock or Earthquake, Ground.

More Pokemon

Fire Type is defeated by those pokemon that are fire-resistant, mixed legendaries, and without legendaries.

  • Landorus (Incarnate)
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot (Ground)
    • Main Move: Earth Power ( Earth).
  • Crawdaunt
    • Quick Move: Waterfall ( )
    • Main Move: Crabhammer ( water).
  • Krookodile
    • Quick Move: Mud-Slap ( ground).
    • Main Move: Earthquake ( , Ground).
  • Swampert
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot ( ground) or Water Gun( Water).
    • Main Move: Hydro Cannon (Water)
  • Samurott
    • Quick Move: Mud Shot (Water)
    • Main Move: Hydro Cannon (Water)
  • Empoleon
    • Quick Move: Waterfall ( )
    • Main Move: Hydro Cannon (Water)
  • Gyarados
    • Quick Move: Waterfall ( )
    • Main Move: Hydro Pump (Water)
  • Palkia
    • Quick Move: Dragon Tail ( Dragon).
    • Main Move: Hydro Pump (Water)
  • Golurk
    • Quick Move: Mud-Slap ( ground).
    • Main Move: Earth Power ( Earth).
  • Rampardos
    • Quick Move: Rock Throw ( Rock).
    • Main Move: Rock Slide ( Rock).

Pokemon Fire Type Weakness – Fire Type Pokemon List

The following list of Fire Type pokemon includes pure Fire Type (only Type 1) and Fire Type.

Num Nombre Type 1 Type 2
004 Charmander Fire
005 Charmeleon Fire
006 Charizard Fire Flying
037 Vulpix Fire
038 Ninetales Fire
058 Growlithe Fire
059 Arcanine Fire
077 Ponyta Fire
078 Rapidash Fire
126 Magmar Fire
136 Flareon Fire
146 Moltres Fire Flying
155 Cyndaquil Fire
156 Quilava Fire
157 Typhlosion Fire
218 Slugma Fire
219 Magcargo Fire Rock
228 Houndour Dark Fire
229 Houndoom Dark Fire
240 Magby Fire
244 Entei Fire
250 Ho-Oh Fire Flying
255 Torchic Fire
256 Combusken Fire Fighting
257 Blaziken Fire Fighting
322 Numel Fire Ground
323 Camerupt Fire Ground
324 Torkoal Fire
390 Chimchar Fire
391 Monferno Fire Fighting
392 Infernape Fire Fighting
467 Magmortar Fire
485 Heatran Fire Steel
494 Victini Psychic Fire
498 Tepig Fire
499 Pignite Fire Fighting
500 Emboar Fire Fighting
513 Pansear Fire
514 Simisear Fire
554 Darumaka Fire
555 Darmanitan Fire
607 Litwick Ghost Fire
608 Lampent Ghost Fire
609 Chandelure Ghost Fire
631 Heatmor Fire
636 Larvesta Bug Fire
637 Volcarona Bug Fire
643 Reshiram Dragon Fire
653 Fennekin Fire
654 Braixen Fire
655 Delphox Fire Psychic
662 Fletchinder Fire Flying
663 Talonflame Fire Flying
667 Litleo Fire Normal
668 Pyroar Fire Normal
721 Volcanion Fire Water
725 Litten Fire
726 Torracat Fire
727 Incineroar Fire Dark
741 Oricorio apasionado Fire Flying
757 Salandit Poison Fire
758 Salazzle Poison Fire
776 Turtonator Fire Dragon
806 Blacephalon Fire Ghost