Pokemon GO Johto Prep Rally event

Pokemon GO Johto Prep rally event. Celebrate the Pokemon GO Johto Tour with us! You’ll find new bonuses, pokemon, research, and much more!


Pokemon GO Johto Prep rally event. Keep checking our pokemon events schedule to ensure you don’t miss any information about Pokemon


Pokemon Go Johto Prep Rally event Intro

Are you ready to take part in the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto! To have enough Pokeballs for the Johto event, you will need to prepare. The objective of this mini-event is to get as many pokeballs as possible.

Niantic has a surprise for you. The missions and pokemon that will emerge in the wild will be pokeball-shaped, such as Hisui’s Voltorb and Hisui’s Electrode, and other Pokemon.

Pokemon GO Johto Prep Rally Event – Event Bonuses

Professor Willow discovered a Hisui Electrode that belonged to a pokemon from the Hisui region in the game Pokemon Legends.

  • Poke Balls will be brought to you by your friends as gifts

Field Research Tasks

When you complete your field research tasks, the following gifts will be available

  • Poke Balls
  • Super Balls
  • Ultra Balls

Timed Research

The event will feature investigations that focus on finding more Poke Balls.


Wild Pokemons

Wild Pokemons

  • Voltorb
  • Voltorb Hisui
  • Koffing
  • Marill
  • Wailmer
  • Solosis
  • Foongus

Sometimes, these will be:

  • Jigglypuff
  • Electrode
  • Amoonguss
  • Stunfisk Galarian


  • One Star Raids – Misdreavus/Sneasel/ Galarian Zigzagoon/ Baltoy/ Espurr
  • Three-Star Raids: Rhydon / Mawile / Dusclops / Druddigon
  • Five-Star Raids: Deoxys Normal / Deoxys Attack / Deoxys Defense / Deoxys Speed
  • Mega Raids: Mega Ampharos

Egg Hatching

  • 7 km eggs: Shuckle – Slugma – Darumaka – Scraggy – Litleo
  • 2km eggs: Poliwag- Bellsprout- Swinub- Meditite- Barboach- Swablu- Bunnelby
  • 5 km eggs: Onix – Azurill – Happiny – Munchlax – Snover – Froakie – Hippopotas
  • 10 km eggs: Audino – Darumaka – Mienfoo – Rufflet – Espurr – Goomy – Noibat
  • Adventure Sync Rewards > 5 km eggs: Cranidos – Shieldon – Frillish – Skrelp – Clauncher – Dedenne
  • Adventure Sync Rewards > 10 km eggs: Dratini – Bagon – Beldum – Riolu – Deino – Noibat

Seasonal Benefits

  • IncentHigher effectiveness for Incense when stationary or moving.
  • Remote Raids – Higher damage for Pokemon who participate in remote raids.
  • PokeStop: Gifts Guaranteed from PokeStop spins
  • Candy – One more Pokemon Candy for trading Pokemon
  • Candy XL – Guaranteed Candy XL for trading Pokemon

Pokemon GO Johto Prep Rally event – New Avatar Items and Stickers as well as Bundles

Both before and after the event will be open:

  • Bolifacio costume (the most iconic character of the Pokemon League in Galar).