Rune Factory 5 Randolph Gifts

Rune Factory 5 Randolph Gifts: Loved, Liked. Neutral. Disliked. & Hated Gifts. Designed to increase affection and unlock Dating Quests

To increase love and to unlock the doors to romance, give the Most Loved & Liked gifts

Rune Factory 5 Randolph Gifts – Loved & Liked

Give the most loved gifts once per day to increase affection.

  • Loving Gifts: Jam Roll, Curry Manju, Curry Bread
  • Liked Gifts: Butter Roll, Bread, Raisin Bread, Steamed Bread, Toast, Pancakes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Sponge, Cheesecake, Dumplings, Basilisk Scale, Stone Dragon Scale
  • Neutral Gifts: All items that are not in the previous categories
  • Disliked Gifts
  • Hated Gifts: Egg Bowl, Tempura Bowl, Milk Porridge

We put all our likes aside, but you only care about the Loved and Liked. The Neutral and Disliked do not add anything. Randolph will even punish your relationship with Randolph for the Hated and Hated.

Randolph’s birthday RF5

Randolph was born Fall 4

Rune Factory 5 Randolph Gifts: How to Give Gifts

Go to inventory > Select an Item > Talk with Randolph > Gift the item

Gifts are only effective for one day. If you don’t want to give the same gift the next day, it won’t have any effect on your character affection.

Yuki, his wife of ten years, runs the bakery. He smiles all the time and is kind and warm to everyone. He takes his job seriously and is always looking for new ways to make bread.

Randolph is fair with a shoulder-length beard and fair skin. Randolph’s face is covered in a thin, white scar. He prefers to be seen with his eyes closed.