Sandshrew Community Day – Pokemon Go March 2022

Sandshrew Community Day – Pokemon Go March 2022 Sandshrews are the only spawn on this day.


Sandshrew Community Day – Pokemon Go March 2022 Pokemon type Ground, Ice and Steel. March 13, 11:00 – 17:00 (plus 2 hours for learning movements).


Pokemon Go Events March 2022 and Alolan Event

Sandshrew Community Day PokemonGo – What is it?

Within a few hours, spawn will increase as well as the ratio to obtain a Sandshrew Shinny and an Alolan Sandshrew Shinny.

The majority of pokemon spawned during these hours will be Sandshrew, and the shinny rate will increase (by nearly a x10 roughly).

Sandshrew Community Day – Pokemon Go March 2022

March 13th, 11:00-17:00 (plus 2 hours for learning movements).

Shiny and spawning probability significantly increased



Exclusive Attack will be able to identify the Charged Attack:

  • Night Slash
  • Trainer Battles: 50 power
  • Gyms and raids 50 power

If you develop during the event, you will be able learn the move. These moves will be available for you to learn during the 2 hour additional event.

Alolan Sandslash

Exclusive Attack will be able to know the Fast Attack:

  • Shadow Claw
  • Trainer Battles: 6 power
  • Gyms and raids 9 power

If you develop during the event, you will be able learn the move. These moves will be available for you to learn during the 2 hour additional event.



  • Free 30 Ultra Balls.
  • For 1.280 PokeCoins, you can get a Community Day Box: 30 Ultraballs, three Super Incubators and five Lucky Eggs.

Community Day Special Story of Research for 1 $ (or the equivalent in your local currency)

  • Special Research Story: Gritty, Glacial
  • Could have berries, stardust and candies. Incense, incense, and 3 pokemons: Sandshrew (coming soon), Sandslash y Alolan Sandslash.

Community Day will offer the following perk:

  • 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance (during event period).
  • Incense3 hours.
  • Lure Modules3 Hours.
  • Surprises in photos


Sandslash Info

  • Great League: Sandslash > Lvl 24 – 0/14/15
  • Ultra League: Sandslash > Lvl 50 – 2/14/15
  • Ultra League (Premier Classic): Sandslash > Lvl 40 – 15/15/15
  • Master League: Sandslash > Lvl 50 – 15/15/15

Type Ground
Level 40: 2.374 pc
Level 50: 2.684 pc
Buddy > Level 51: 2.716 PC

Weaknesses : x1.6Grass/x1.6Ice/x1.6Water


Resistances x0.39 Electric/x0.625 Rock/x0.625 Poison


  • Attack: 182
  • Defense: 175
  • Stamina: 181

Quick Moves

  • Mud Shot (Ground)
  • Metal Claw (Steel).

Charged Movements


  • Community Day: Night Slash (Dark)
  • Earthquake (Ground).
  • Rock Tomb (Rock).
  • Bulldoze (Ground)
  • Frustration Shadow (Normal).
  • Return Purified (Normal).

Alolan Sandslash Info

  • Great League: Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 23.5 – 0/14/14
  • Ultra League: Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 49 – 0/14/15
  • Ultra League (Premier Classic): Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 40 – 15/15/15
  • Master League: Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 50 – 15/15/15
  • Silph Obsidian Cup: Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 23.5 – 0/14/14
  • Silph Factions (Fusion): Sandslash de Alola > Lvl 23.5 – 0/14/14

Type – Ice / Steel
Level 40: 2.432 pc
Level 50: 2.750 PC
Buddy > Level 51: 2.783 PC

Weaknesses: x2.56 Fighting / x2.56 Fire / x1.6 Ground

Resistances x0.39 Poison/x0.39 Ice/x0.625 Psychoic/x0.625 Normal/x0.625 Flying/x0.625 Fairy/x0.625 Dragon/x0.625 Bug



  • Attack: 177
  • Defense: 195
  • Stamina: 181

Quick Moves

  • Community Day: Garra Umbria (Fantasma).
  • Metal Claw (Steel).
  • Powder Snow (Ice).

Charged Movements

  • Blizzard (Ice)
  • Bulldoze (Ground)
  • Gyro Ball (Steel).
  • Ice Punch (Ice).