Second War Enhancing Caldera with new DPS, Underground Vaults, Better Visibility With New POIs, Better Visibility!

Call of Duty has announced that Warzones Caldera would receive exciting new changes including improved visibility and more loot opportunities.

Warzone Caldera, since its release has had difficulty finding the shoes Verdnask left. They don’t seem to have the right position for players but they can’t find the right fit.

This update is well worth Caldera’s attention and the potential benefits it offers players.

This is what they will be focusing on in the wake of Warzone Season 4 Mercenaries of Fortune.


Fortune Harvesters will improve visibility by reducing the vegetation by 50% in Warzone Season 4. Caldera will get new micro-Actions that will increase looting potential.

This information was directly received from Call of Duty’s account. It was also recorded in a trailer for Season 4.

This is all that is confirmed about Warzone Season 4.

  • To increase looting opportunities on the island, new Micro-Hopes were created.
  • Underground underground, there are secret underground Mercenary Vaults.
  • Visibility & Vegetation 5 % higher

Call of Duty also revealed the new map and players were shocked to see Storage Town in the post office.

They also revealed that they still have some surprises to share in the area. It would be interesting to find out if Caldera’s underground Mercenary Vaults can be linked to Caldera’s minecart travel system.

The director of Hints says Warzone Fortunes Keep could have multiple Easter Eggs.

You can also add some loot to the bag. Do we need extra storage?

These are just a few of the new features coming to Warzone Season 4. Call of Duty announced recently that Warzone Resurgence will have a brand new map in Season 4, with Fortunes Keep.

Fortunes Keep will have new POIs available for Warzone players to explore.