Sega unveiled the mini-drive mini player this week. It is a miniature version of the original console and includes 50 classic games via livestream. Many of us expected one reissue of Saturn or Dreamcast when the announcement was made. However, we were also disappointed. This decision was made by the maker of the hardware that brought it to its core.
Kenari, after a delay to the interview with Famitsu explained that Sega had considered making a Saturn, or a Dreamcast Mini but ultimately decided to make a Mega Drive due to the complexity and cost of the Covid pandemic, and subsequent semiconductor crisis.
Sega isn’t denying the possibility of making a Dreamcast Mini or a Satur, however, the Mega Drive Mini’s components can’t run Saturn games. Okunari stated that it’s a process of making new chipsets and distribution to create a Saturn / Dreamcast Mini today, given the issues mentioned.
Sega Mega Drive Mini 2, 2 x 3.
Okunari stated that the team would have loved to make one as well Game Gear Micro but that the price of the components could have increased the sales price by 50% compared with the previous model.
Sega chose the Sega Mega Drive Mini 2 because Okunari claimed it was a modified version of the original version and therefore has a simpler production process.
Sega Mega Drive Mini 2 will be available in Japan from October 27th to 2022, at a cost of approximately 75 Euros. The launch date for the console in western countries is not yet confirmed.