The Dilyuk skin animation was released in Genshin Impact

The players will be waiting long-term for the Dilyuk skin to become available, but Dataminers have a lot more information. The new Red Shroud of the Night costume has some unique characteristics and is much more expensive than the one before. Lumie Insider posted a video clip showing special techniques for Dilyuk skin.

This video shows his devilish effects and the interplay between his elements and his ominous interplay.

Reddit users used Reddit to compare skin and color differences. To get rid of red, a crimson flame was chosen as the new costume.

The Dilyuk element’s explosion can clearly show the difference. English-speaking players joked that these clothes belonged to the Midnight hero Darknight hero (Heroes the Dark Night) or Red dead night (Red deep Night), in English, since both names refer to late night, midnight.

Many people also wish to alter the facial expressions and proportions of the character. Its eyes are located under the head’s centre, which is much larger. This game model is quite different to the splash art, and it has to be mad at Dilucs mains.

The entire picture is still not the same.