Tower of Fantasy Character Trailer

Trailer for Tower of Fantasy Character. Photo: Tower of Fantasy

Magnificent trailer. You can see nearly all of the characters in the game. There is also a list of their characteristics.

Tower of Fantasy received an incredible reception in the Gaming Community since its prelaunch in the global version. This was only and exclusively for a preregistration. Tower of Fantasy reached more than 1,000,000 users in just 15 days.

We believe it will be a very popular game in the second and third quarters 2022.

We’ll then give you a list with characters to help you learn more about the game.

Tower of Fantasy trailer. Characters

Tower of Fantasy is a sci-fi RPG that’s open to all. It’s available for PC and on mobile devices. The game is an RPG and focuses on the characters that can be played, their adaptability, and their abilities. Here’s a list of all Tower of Fantasy character names and descriptions, according to the official website.


  • October 10, 2010 is your birthday
  • Characteristics: Meril stands out in dangerous mission. His combat skills are exceptional. Meril’s favorite weapon and the one that he fights with most is the sword. Meril is an Executor Hykros Senior.


  • Birthday: May 20
  • This character has the following characteristics: He is a great character for ranged attack, and Samir is playful and joyful.


  • Birthday: September 22
  • Characteristics: He is a scientist who is focused on laser technology. His biggest hobby is anything related to an aqua environment. Maybe he is transcendental. He can modify certain devices to make them defense weapons.


  • Birthday: June 6
  • This character is just 15 years old. He is a expert hacker. Cero is proud to be competitive. We believe that he will make a great character in Tower Of Fantasy.


  • Birthday: May 23
  • Characteristics: Justicia, the Angel Of Clemency has a frustrating mutation. She also had the modifications by the Heirs to Aida. Justicia is quiet and introverted, except for when her bloodlust to destruction is happening.


  • Birthday: May 23
  • This character has the following characteristics: She is a very reckless person, and the most risky missions she can handle are her speciality. Zeke her older brother , Shirli, who saved a player at the Shelter of Zeke, is very outgoing.


  • Birthday: February 1,
  • Characteristics: Angel Of Cleime right hand of Sage, who is always followed, regardless of what happens. Straight and taciturn. His unique outlook and philosophy are about life.


  • Birthday: November 12
  • Characteristics: Zeke is the leader and protector of the Astra Refuge. He is very protective of his family and tries to keep them safe even though he is responsible .

Information about:

  • Tower of Fantasy currently has 1,219.250 registered users. You can view this information on Tower of Fantasy’s website, click here
  • Tower of Fantasy will be released in the 3rd Quarter of 2022, and specifically in October 2022.
  • October: This date could be delayed due to the high number of players.
  • The game will be available in the App Store, Google Play and Steam. However, it may also be available on other platforms that have not been mentioned.
  • Each character will have their own weapons that will allow them to play in a different way.