Whimsicott Weakness Pokemon Go – Best Raid & Leagues Counters

Whimsicott Weakness PokemonGo – Best Raid and Leagues Counters. You will find all the details about your pokemon, including their rating in leagues, raid performance and stats. They also have information on how they evolve, move, attack, resistances, and counters.


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Whimsicott Weakness Pokemon Go: Weaknesses and Resistances

The multiplier refers to the total damage that the pokemon has received. x2 means that the pokemon takes twice damage, x0.5 means that they take half damages.


Poison, x2.5 Flying, x1.6 Steel x1.6 Fire x1.6 Ice x1.6


Fighting x0.63 Ground x0.63 Water x0.63 Grass, x0.63 Electric x0.63 Dark x0.63 Dragon x0.39

Similar Pokemon

  • Clefable
  • Aromatisse
  • Sylveon
  • Primarina
  • Wigglytuff
  • Togekiss
  • Slurpuff
  • Gardevoir (Shadow)

Whimsicott Weakness Pokemon Go Raid & Whimsicott Top Counters

CharmGrass Knot are the best moves for Whimsicott when attacking Pokemon in Gyms. This combination is the best for PVP battles and has the highest DPS.

Attack to the Gym Charm 16 dps and Grass Knot 41 dps

Defense in Gym – Charm 16 dps and Grass Knot 41 dps

Whimsicott can be described as a Grass/Fairy Pokemon. It is particularly weak against Poison and weak against Flying and Steel moves.

To beat Whimsicott, the strongest Pokemon are:

No Legendary Complements

  • Roserade
    • Quick Move: Poison Jab (Poison)
    • Main Move: Sludge bomb ( Poison), & Weather ball ( fire).
  • Toxicroak
    • Quick Move: Poison Jab (Poison)
    • Main Move: Sludge Bomb ( Poison).
  • Gengar
    • Quick Move: Shadow Claw or Lick ( Ghost )
    • Main Move: Sludge Bomb ( Poison).
  • Scolipede
    • Quick Move: Acid ( Poison).
    • Main Move: Sludge Bomb ( Poison).
  • Victreebel
    • Quick Move: Poison Jab (Poison)
    • Main Move: Sludge Bomb ( Poison).

Legendary Counters

  • Deoxys (Attack)
    • Quick Move: Poison Jab (Poison)
    • Main Move: Zapcannon ( Electrical), Dark Pulse( Dark), or Psycho Boost( Psychic).
  • Darkrai
    • Quick Move: Snarl ( dark)
    • Main Move: Sludge Bomb ( Poison).
  • Reshiram
    • Quick Move: Fire Fang ( Fire).
    • Main Move: Heat ( Fire).
  • Genesect (Douse)
    • Quick Move: Metal Claw ( Iron) or Fury Cutter( Bug).
    • Main Move: Gunk Shot ( Poison).
  • Ho-Oh
    • Quick Move: Incinerate (Fire)
    • Main Move: Fire Blast Fire or Brave Bird Flying

Whimsicott Weakness PokemonGo – League Rating & Counters

Great League Whimsicott Rating and Whimsicott Counters

  • Rank Position 82
  • Level: 28.5
  • Best Statistics: 0/14/15
  • Charm
  • Recommended Charged Movements: Moonblast, Grass Knot

Wins – The Best Counter to Whimsicott

    1. Scrafty
    2. Sableye
    3. Medicham
    4. Umbreon
    5. Azumarill

Key Losses Whimsicott Best Counts

    1. Stunfisk (Galarian)
    2. Jellicent
    3. Trevenant
    4. Swampert
    5. Deoxys

Ultra League Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott counters

  • Rank Position : 178
  • Level: 50
  • Best Stats: 15/15/15
  • Charm
  • Recommended Charged Movements: Moonblast, Grass Knot

Wins – The Best Counter to Whimsicott

    1. Scrafty
    2. Umbreon
    3. Giratina
    4. Swampert
    5. Swampert (Shadow)

Key Losses Whimsicott Best Counts

    1. Talonflame
    2. Registeel
    3. Stunfisk (Galarian)
    4. Walrein
    5. Cresselia

Master League Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Master League Classic Whimsicott Ratings & Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Master League – Whimsicott Ratings & Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Love Cup Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott counters

No ranked

Halloween Cup Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott counters

  • Rank Position : 105
  • Level: 28.5
  • Best Statistics: 0/14/15
  • Charm
  • Recommended Charged Movements: Moonblast, Hurricane

Wins – The Best Counter to Whimsicott

    1. Zweilous
    2. Obstagoon
    3. Umbreon
    4. Mandibuzz
    5. Azumarill

Key Losses Whimsicott Best Counts

    1. Nidoqueen (Shadow)
    2. Marowak (Alolan)
    3. Ninetales (Alolan)
    4. Jellicent
    5. Froslass

Little Jungle Cup Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott counters

No ranked

Silph Guardian Cup Whimsicott rating & Whimsicott counters

No ranked

Silph Factors (Cave), Whimsicott Rating and Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Silph Factors (Fusion) Whimsicott Ratings & Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Gymbreakers Comet Cup Wimsicott Rating and Whimsicott Counters

No ranked

Whimsicott Weakness PokemonGo – More Information About

The Pokemon Whimsicott’s special trait is its weight. It can fly with ease through areas that have a lot of vegetation, which is why it is so different from other Pokemon.

  • 547 Whimsicott
  • Pokemon type:

    Grass Fairy
  • Classification – Windveiled Pokemon
  • Capture rate: 15%
  • Shiny Whimsicott: 1 in 600 (approximatively)
  • Flee rate: 10%
  • Buddy Candy Distance Whimsicott – 1 km
  • Second Charge Attack on Whimsicott: 10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy

Maximum Whimsicott (level 40).

  • Standar: 2.014

Maximum Whimsicott (level 51 & 50)

  • Standar: 2.277
  • Buddy: 2.304

Stats Whimsicott

  • Attack: 164
  • Defense: 176
  • Stamina: 155

Quick Moves Whimsicott

  • Razor Leaf ( Grass). > Damage: 13. > DPS 15.6
  • Charm ( Fairy). > Damage: 20

Main Moves Whimsicott

  • Moonblast ( Fairy ) > Damage: 130 > DPS : 40
  • Hurricane ( flying) > Loss: 110 > DPS 40.7
  • Grass Knot > Damage: 90 > DPS 41.5


Cottonee Whimsicott

No evolution