Wow! Netflix made the game from The Queen’s Gambit

We have some good news for you if you saw The Queen’s Gambitin 2021 and thought wow! I wish I could play the Beth Harmon game and look as amazing as her in all her period-drama clothing. Netflix is turning The Queen’s Gambitgame in to an actual game.

You can now play chess with Beth, Benny and other characters, as well as visit iconic locations such the Las Vegas hotel or Beth’s ceiling. All of this is available for free with your existing Netflix account. You won’t get the tangible, real feeling of chess pieces if you don’t have a Netflix account. But, best of luck!

The Queen’s Gambit Chess will also offer online play and chess classes. You won’t find any trendy quotes or mental breakdowns.

The Queen’s Gambitminiseries can be viewed on Netflix. The game has not yet been released but will be accessible through the Netflix app for mobile devices.