Borderlands 2 – How to Skip Intro Videos

This is how you can modify the .ini file to ensure that there aren’t any intro videos, and you can directly play the game.


Simply Find and Modify the File

The Documents folder in your computer you will find The “My Games” Folder created by Steam.

In it, open it, and then open the file “Borderlands 2”, then proceed there to “WillowGame” and “Config.” After you’ve entered the Config folder look for WillowEngine and then open it with Notepad or Wordpad.

Then, select the Edit menu, then use the Find command to find the following file: [FullScreenMovieNext, go to the Edit menu.


It’s only about half way through the file.

In the beginning, the entry should be as follows:

[FullScreenMovie] bForceNoMovies=FALSE StartupMovies=2K_logo StartupMovies=Gearbox_logo StartupMovies=Loading SkippableMovies=2K_logo SkippableMovies=Gearbox_logo SkippableMovies=NVidia SkippableMovies=Attract SkippableMovies=MegaIntro ConfirmSkipMovies=MegaIntro

Then, you can enter the comments tags (which comprise two in a slash “//”) on the top one of the 3 StartupMovies lines as well as the ConfirmSkipMovies Line


[FullScreenMovie] bForceNoMovies=FALSE //StartupMovies=2K_logo //StartupMovies=Gearbox_logo //StartupMovies=Loading SkippableMovies=2K_logo SkippableMovies=Gearbox_logo SkippableMovies=NVidia SkippableMovies=Attract SkippableMovies=MegaIntro //ConfirmSkipMovies=MegaIntro

Save as well as your introduction videos have gone. They won’t play.

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