No More Room in Hell Objective Map Walkthrough


It is situated in a vast underground metro, before heading up to the hospital.

Slice into the shutter.

Take your items and get ready for the journey. Once you’re ready, cut the wooden beam that blocks the door using weapons and make sure you are free. Be aware of doors that are blocked by zombies. It can be difficult to gradually remove each one. It is possible to avoid this problem in the event that you break the beam before it is broken.


Find the welder on the train and look for the purple light. Once you have the welder on your hands go to the far terminus of the train station and apply the welder to the gate’s lock.

Eliminate the fire.

Go through the tunnel in the normal way and be on the lookout for treasure. If you come across an extinguisher to put out fires, use it. You will require it.

Once you reach the sewers, you must be mindful of the current that is pushing zombies toward you. It is possible to smash the barriers in your path, and then see the zombies being pulled toward you.


When you get up and clear the sewers, a hallway will open up to a railway and the train will crash into a huge explosion. Runaway runners are known to frequent this area therefore be aware. You must have the fire extinguisher in place by now. If it is equipped, you can use to activate the second fire (default right click) and hold your primary flame (default left button). Be sure not to stand too close while you extinguish the flame.

Remove the barricade.

Take the track, a lot of hordes are likely to be present. If you go down enough, you’ll be able to see a tunnel with a yellow light. Go down that tunnel as there is a blockage of the tracks caused by trains. Go through the tunnel and return to another track. To your right is a box for medicine and grab it if have it. On your left is the route to go to the right. Near the final point of the tracks is a wooden barricade. remove it.

Lift the gate.

Continue through the maintenance area and you’ll soon arrive at the metro once more. Take the tunnel through and climb the stairs to an open-air gift shop. Take note of the electrical box that is to the right of the wall, which is surrounded by a gate. To access it, go towards the stairs that are on the other side and read “Eastbound”. Then you will find yourself in the tunnel and possibly many zombies. Light a fire and create a path through. There is an item called a key near the end of this tunnel, take it and bring your key back to the gate. It will be able to fit and you will be able to push on the lever to lift the gate.


Take the subway exit.

Go on and steal anything you can. If you own a torch for cutting it is possible to make a door just in front of the elevators. Your reward will be a large FEMA supplies crate. Also, to the left of the escalators, a FEMA medicine crate could be located. The exit is on the right and leads to the top.

Get up the fence using an incline.

Be wary of the mob of zombies at the high. Note “St. Sebastian Hospital” just ahead of you. You’ll be there in the near future. Take a left, and continue down the street. The fence you’re looking for is ahead. The fence is located within the impound lot. The entrance to “Crunden Martin” is blocked by the back of the building. Once inside, use the ladder in the office and take down the chair that blocks access to the entrance. There’s a duffel bag with supplies inside the room for ladders, make sure you have everything you require before leaving.

With the ladder in place take it back to the bus to the right side of the bus you’ll find a wall with an illuminated ladder waiting ready for you to put it. The road that lies to your right is a dead end.


The parking garage is ablaze with flames.

Ascend the ladder, make sure you note that this is a single drop. Continue along the alley where the route splits, each taking you to the next location. There is a gun shop, which is a fantastic place to shop. There is no ammo in the shop If you discover ammunition that your guns could use, make sure you check it by pressing the reload button (default Reload). Also, it comes with an electric cutting torch to open the garage by putting it right in the front. Open the gate of the garage.

Lock the doors of the hospital.

Move ahead, the left route is dead. Continue on and you’ll come outside the garage and out onto the outside. You can take a left, and another one to locate an ignition key on the walkway of a shopping center. Retrace your steps back to the road and you’ll find the hospital to your left. Additionally, you’ll encounter an RV. This is the rescue vehicle, not forget it for future reference. Place the keys in the lock and put their keys on your door. Zombies can block the door and block them from opening. Be sure to open the door fast to prevent this from happening and your party will be waiting around to gradually evict each one while trying to ward off the zombies of the parking lot.

Locate the keys to the recreation vehicle.

There are no zombies in hospitals, not even the first ones and you’ll be able to take a breather. You’ll find the keys on the other side of the bathroom in the hospital. From the entryway, you will need to take a left down the hall and open the first door to the left. Go through the other side of the hall. On your left side is the bathroom. You can take these keys to the RV and a scene will begin. Enter the vehicle before the RV goes away into the far distance. It is possible to get caught up if you’re lost, but only for a few minutes.


Completing Anxiety gives you an award called the “Exposure Therapy” achievement.


The pier is a fog-filled one This community level is an excellent beginning to play, with great visibility and simple-to-follow routes.

Make Your Way to the Safehouse

In the beginning, you’ll be given a route to choose from through the boards, either left and then through the streets. Keep going forward and search for any goods at the shops. Then, at one end, you will see a gap that leads to the pier. Be careful because zombies are able to easily entrap you into an unlit area. Don’t run towards the steps on your right, they’re the only way to go. Continue to the point to reach the final destination of the goal.


There are times when you’ll be directed to the department store. The only map that features the machine gun can be found on the route to this location. Grab the ammo box behind it, and then attach it with the machine gun. Then utilize it to enter firing mode. Hit the key you used to enter in order to leave and turn your gaze at 180 degrees.

Find a Key to Open the Door

There’s a door that is barricaded in the dining room, take down the boards using the melee weapon before moving out into the garden. In the distance is a US Army crate that will require time to be opened. Clean the area of infection before opening it to locate the key within. The key must be taken and head to the door that is glowing away from where the bar is. Enter the door with the key in your hand and you’ll succeed in completing the task.

Use the Radio to Call for Help.

In this room is a radio located at the very edge of the reception area. You can make an SOS through the radio.



A huge horde of patients will enter the main entrance windows. In a short time, doors will open, leading back out to the pier.

Breach the Barricade.

Outside the reception area will be an avenue leading to the observation. There is a huge man-made barricade that requires TNT to remove. To locate this TNT, you have to go beneath the deck by climbing a staircase that runs around inside the building that houses reception. Once you’re down below deck then follow the arrows until you reach your final destination. The final point of this road is a TNT container inside a wheelbarrow. Take it, and then return to the fence. Simply place the TNT by moving up to the indicator. Then, immediately remove the area to explode.

Burn Away the Obstruction.

Go past the destroyed barricade to locate another blocking your path. The gas can indicator will show the necessary part to destroy it. The arrow will be that is pointing downwards, indicating a return to beneath the deck. It is possible to drop down, not to go back to the spot it was that you discovered the TNT however, to return toward the fire barrel. There will be an arrow indicating where there is a hole in the board can be drilled through.


Find an escalator at the end of the beach. On the top of the stairs is another barricade however, this one is able to be destroyed using a gun. Get the boards down and clear out any zombies that are blocking the way, then continue to. Just to your right is a bright padlock that needs a torch to open. If you don’t have an electric welder, one is available by walking through the gazebo, and then down the boardwalk towards the fenced zone. There’s an additional crate with welders that you can access near the bench.

With your welding tool in your hands, go toward the door that is locked and then cut the lock. Be sure that it’s safe cut down the lock. To your left side is the gas tank you require. Walk across the fence, grab the gas, and then go back towards the fence. Similar to the previous step then walk to the marker holding the gas can in hand and set it down. Make sure to clear the area immediately because it will explode rapidly.

Light a Signal Fire.

At the end of the pier is the fire pit, and you’ll have to use the welding tool to ignite it. Make sure to hold the second flame (right mouse click default) on it to call for assistance, it can’t be stopped.


Hold Out Until Help Arrives

When the signal flare is lit the rescuers will be soon on their way. If it arrives it does, a cutscene begins.

Secure the Boardwalk. Wait for Evac.

Get rid of the boardwalk that is Infected. After a few minutes your rescue aircraft will appear near the bottom of the dock. Be aware of the surroundings when the cutscene for rescue plays out because rarely do zombies cause death as control is taken from you. The helicopter is not accessible from the at the top, so you have to go lower into the pit to ascend the rope towards the end of the lower track.

Complete the Boardwalk confers participants with “Pass GO and Collect $200” achievement.



The game is set to New York, a classic map that sets the perfect mood for the whole game. Broadway includes two major forks in the objectives You can skip the first one you started by (Find your key, or break the gate lock).

Locate the secret key for the movie’s back door.

This and the next objectives might not appear in the game you play. Take any necessary items There’s a balcony up there equipped with a sniper rifle that you can use to kill the zombies that are above. Once you’re ready for departure you’ll find two doors that you can exit through. One is closed and has to be cleared by the use of a melee. Go across the street to the cinema.

Inside the building, you’ll find a key to the ladies’ restroom. Bring it to the theater and a glowing blue light guides you to the entrance. You’re not armed while carrying the key. Set the key on the door, and wait for it a few seconds to open.


Locate battery, power up the truck

Continue along the hallways and down the alley back to the main entrance, then return. You can enter the building to your left side to get shelter and other supplies. You’ll also see the truck mentioned earlier. The battery is likely to be in the street and is likely to be shining. Transfer the battery to your truck, then open the front using your key, and then place the battery onto the right side.

Use propane at the cafe.

The back of the truck’s door will be open and there is propane in it. At least, take one of these propane tanks over to the café at the other side of the street. It’s Camilla’s Diner. Get close to the fence off entrance and attach the canister on it. Then, immediately back away from the threat of explosion.

Turn on the sprinklers

Go in and out of the restaurant to change streets. Go down the street and take note of the fire in the market with a fire alarm in. There’s an ambulance in front and you should turn left there it is, and then go to an entrance on the side. Inside the market, set the alarm to start the sprinklers. This opens the window. Go to the previous header to reach the next goal.


Break gate lock

The next and subsequent goals may not be included during your game. Go straight down the street and search for a police vehicle. there’s a fence directly to the left of it that has an lock. Smash the lock by launching a melee attack to unlock the gate.

Find a way to get to the basement

Go into the gates, then break the barricaded doors with a melee and then proceed through a few apartment. Take a look at the blue light up the stairs and be on the looking for a canister which is glowing red. It will is found randomly within one room. When you spot it, continue to walk through the halls with a carrot-colored hue. There’s a turn at the at the end of these halls that you might not be able to notice, beyond the glowing dead end is a dark, dark corner. look around it until you find another entrance through two white doors.

This will take you directly to the basement. With the canister on your shoulder be careful and put the canister in the second doorway. Remain away from the explosion. You don’t need to shoot it.


Continue towards the bar. and locate the key.

Continue to go further and you’ll soon find an unintentional tunnel that leads to a different basement. There are keys hidden underneath a staircase made of wood, traverse the warmly illuminated side passageway and find the keys. Transfer them upstairs to an open doorway to the bar. Give the bar a few seconds.

Find lever to open the warehouse door

Go outside and cross the street, you’ll see an entrance gate with locks near the current in flames market. Be aware of this, as we’ll return to this location with the lever. In the meantime, go left , and then into Camilla’s restaurant. The lever is located upstairs in the restaurant. Locate it in one of the rooms and take it outside for the locking. If you’re feeling creative take it out of the window and then retrieve it off the road.

When you get back to the gate, knock the lock away by a smack in case you didn’t do it previously. The next door down is another set of double doors, put the lever on it, and push your key to open the doors.


Access the manager’s office and then call for the removal

(If you entered through the sprinklers, there’s an exit behind the wall of the checkout lane and you can select the gate button and proceed to the other side.) On the ground floor, there is man-handled paper that has the numbers. Keep this in mind, it’ll be a number to the manager’s (sic) workplace. Sometimes the paper’s code may not correspond to the key code. In the event of that, you must find the code with an




Utilize your computer (default keyboard E) to request the rescue of a train car. A cutscene will be played to signal the arrival of rescue personnel. After the rescue is complete you’ll find an escape shutter located on the other wall. Make use of it and go back outside and towards the station. Search for a huge staircase across.. Take the stairs to catch a train, and you’ll be back home in no time.

Complete Broadway is a way to earn for the “Box Office Hit” achievement.

Broadway 2

The sequel to Broadway is set in abandoned Manhattan during the night. It is a diverse show that has a lot of blends between objectives. Sorry for the information being dispersed all over.

Find a welding machine to leave the apartment

Go downstairs to locate a welder in the middle. It is also located in the middle of on one of the escape routes. It is possible to use this welder to open two locks that glow however the smaller lock will be opened faster. This process is able to be stopped, and both routes connect to the same place.

You can gain entry into the cinema

The initial map branching objective it might not show up during your playthrough. Take a walk across the street, and discover the cinema. The doors are not locked. Go to the next head “Climb through toilet vents” or “Find a ladder, use it to climb through ceiling hole”.

Break the boards to gain access to the cinema’s entrance side

The initial map branching objective it could not be visible during your game. On the other side of the street, you’ll find an entrance to the cinema that’s closed. Hit them with a smack. After that, you can skip to the “Use welder on stairs gate” header.

Go to the Hotel

Initial map branching goal It may not be visible during your playthrough. If you follow the tracks over you, you’ll see Camilla’s Diner and a hotel right next to it. Go inside.

Step through the basement door

Part of “Go to the Hotel”. Enter the hotel through the first door to your left.

To climb through the toilet’s vents

The branching objective. In cinemas, there are toilets with a tangled ladders within. You can climb (or climb over) the ladder before stepping to the vent.

Use a ladder to climb up, then use it to climb over ceiling holes

In the back of the concession area, There is a blasted-out hole as well as an illuminated ladder. It is best to position the ladder so that it fits into the hole, then place it onto the cross. Then, skip to the “Exit the cinema to the alleyway” header.

Climb up through vents

Be aware of the double ladder method that involves two ladders facing one another. It allows you to continue climbing the ladder while you go in the opposite direction. You can go through and then go through the vent. Take a few headers back to “Find lever and go to the boiler room”.

Continue on to your hotel

Part of “Go to the Hotel”. A few stairs are available to be climbed follow the goal states and soon you’ll come across an entrance with a large gap through the ground.

Continue down the hole until you reach your goal.

Be aware of the fall-related injury when you fall as well as any zombies.

Take a hole down to the sewers

A branching objective. Be sure not to fall off the ladder while you go downwards.

Use the sewers to navigate

Be aware of the warnings on the wall and pay attention to your steps when you step into the water. Your toes will be your second biggest adversaries. You can double-wield a flashlight as well as a pistol if you have one to guard yourself (press the F button by default to activate the flashlight with the pistol). Then, in the end, you’ll find an entrance that has a lock and you can open it by welding it (can be broken).

Retrace your steps back to the main streets

A part of “Navigate the sewers”. Go upstairs, and then out of the diner.

Visit the basketball court

Turn left at the diner and search to see a gate that is open at the intersection. Find some glowsticks in green to cross the fence. Skip to the “Survive for 2 minutes” header.

Make use of a welder for the stairs gate

(if you are coming from “Break boards to get in cinema side entrance”, you can use the welder to connect to the beam next to it). Continue down the stairs and then to the theater. To the left behind the machine for popcorn is a door that leads to a set of stairs. There’s a glowing beam asking for a welding machine. You can find a welder in the cinema if do not own one.

Locate the lever and head to the boiler room.

You’ll see a lever on the top floor of an area. The lever is to be placed on it on the metal piece that is glowing close by and pressed to turn it (default keys E).

Find the keys that will open the doors to theaters

(For earlier branch routes Welders are required to open the door of the stairwell. It is located beside an of the two doors on the upper floor.) There are keys in the bathroom of the cinema downstairs, or in the concessions for food. I haven’t seen this anywhere at all in New York. It is a shining door next to it to let the door open. Take a few seconds to unlock once you’ve done it.

Go out of the cinema and go to the avenue

Follow the linear route outside.

Weld open alley gate

A branching path might not be included in your playthrough. With the welding tool from the upstairs, make use of the second one on the alley gate near the end (which can be cut off).

You can access the basketball court by using the hole in the fence

There’s a ladder you can climb up the alley wall. Climb under the rails at the top and drop down. It is difficult to see, but the glowing green glowsticks indicate the gap within the fence.

You can survive 2 minutes

Keep going for an indeterminate period of time until you reach the next goal is reached.

Find the battery for the FastEx van in the garage.

The battery is usually located in or near the court for basketball, but not located in the garage. Sometimes, it’s in the street, so check your compasses (default number C) for clues. Take the battery to the garage, near the ambulance. Once inside, lift the hood of the van using the key you use and put it on your left side.

Store a gas can at the back entry

Take an empty gas container to the nearby shop It will be back to the basketball court, and left behind by the apartment block. The gas can is placed at the front door in the narrow alleyway and then back away from the imminent explosion.

Find Radio to call for assistance

Be cautious of the runners who are inside the store, angry at your uncontrollable entry. After they’ve been blown away, head toward the radio and turn it on. A woman in distress will inform you to run to the rooftop for help before the government decides to bomb the area.

You can use the gate to get up to the roof to allow extraction

“5 minutes remaining until detonation” Use your compasses (default button C) for direction. you must exit through the main entrance of the store with the doors closed. They are open for you to locate, however. If you go to the right side of the hotel and you’ll find a beam of light asking for the help of a welder in cutting it. Cut it off using the secondary fire from the welder, then go up. When you arrive upstairs, you’ll spot the wrecked helicopter which was intended to rescue you.

Take the fire escape and extract by the train

A cut-scene plays to show that the rescue team has arrived. Plan B, walk to the exit for fire, and then carefully move to the train that is waiting to greet you.

Go back to the court to extract

A cutscene plays to show that rescue is on the way. Plan C, go back to where you started from the basketball court. You can utilize the fire escape to take an alternative, then climb down to the army truck, then to the street. Continue to the supermarket. When you reach the court, take the rope up and be saved.

Complete Broadway 2 awards the “Encore!” achievement.


The location is Brooklyn, New York with the Brooklyn Bridge as a landmark.

Make use of the key to unlock the cell’s door.

Find the key of the soldier who was killed and then moves it toward the closed door. The next mission you take on is randomly assigned and might not be revealed in the game you play.

Find the keycode for holding the gate.

The initial branch objective may not be present in your replay. There’s a computer located in an area just of the first cell. press the use key to unlock the access code. Go back to the lobby and type in the code that appears on the blue-colored keycode.

Locate the fuse and restart power to the elevator

Continue through the holding area. When you’re there, take note of the powerbox’s glowing blue. You’ll return to this area with the fuse. The fuse can be located in the room in the front. Do not miss the doors of the meeting room, right next to the main entrance of the department of police. After you have located the fuse, go back to your powerbox, and then plug it in the appropriate spot.

Locate the welder for the garage door’s release

Be aware to the possibility that the elevator may contain zombies once it is in. After you’ve cleared the elevator, take an inventory of all the people using the elevator to go down. Any person who is left behind could take it back up. The welder will be somewhere in the parking garage. utilize your compasses (default keys C) to find the location by a red blip. it’s usually to the left. You can then head for the exit and see the lock illuminated blue. make use of the secondary fire feature on the welder (right mouse click, by default) to activate it. You can stop the process without losing your progress. Press the reveal button after you’re completed. This will lead into “Break off lock”.

The lock port of the Sally disengaged

The initial branch objective may not be visible in your game. Press the Use button on your computer keyboard, which is glowing red.

Use the I.E.D. to blow up the precinct windows

Take the garage out and go to the office next to it There’s an explosive container inside. Take it to the hallways before you come to two doors. You can open it by using your key. Then, place the container on the light source to explode then stand back as it explodes. [/h1]

Take the lock off.

Push forward to the corner, and climb up the ambulance. Then, drop below the wall and smash the lock’s glow by launching a melee attack.

Get out of the block of apartments

Take a walk upstairs and see a locked window. hit the window with your melee, allowing it. This could lead to a variety of possibilities of objectives for Mickey or an NPC.

Attach the hook to the fence so that Mickey is able to pull down the fence

The branching objective may not be visible on your screen. Mickey is the guy who is in his van, and requires hooks to be that is attached on his vehicle. The hook is located in the street just across the street. utilize your compass as clues (default button C). When you find the hook, Mickey will be standing outside just waiting to put the hook on the fence. Mickey will then pull the fence away.

Get the car out of the way, and clear the way

Go through the fence, and step forward towards in front of the vehicle. As it gets to the halfway point you might need to enter it at the front of it from behind in order to proceed.

Locate the extinguisher, and extinguish the street flame

The extinguisher can be found just of the quarantine sign on an offramp. Use it to put out the fire in the street close by.

Find the padlock, and then help Mickey secure the door.

The wall behind Mickey lies a padlock located on the other wall. Grab it and place it on the door’s handle.

Find the outpost, and then override the lockdown

The outpost is situated in an agro-store, keep walking along the pathway and look out for a “gast” graffiti, it’s inside the door, with the blue light inside. The cutscene will show the van speeding across the quarantine fencing returning here, and then running through the back of the van, to be saved. The next objectives are from a separate branch of the mission.

The cart should be pushed.

There’s a cart on the street. Pull open the garage door by pressing the button, and then head out. You can push the cart using your entire body while placing your face in the back of the cart.

Wash the water

There is water visible in the basement. Grab it and return to the cart. The goal is “Push the cart”.

Food items that you have gotten rid of

The cart’s left is a store for groceries and loots some food that was hidden inside, and then back to the cart that is hungry. The aim is to “Push the cart”.

Clean the fuel

To the right of the cart, there’s fuel in the trailer of the truck. Ascend the crate, pick up the fuel, and make sure to fill the cart with the loot.

Make sure you push the cart until it is in line with Mickey

Continue pushing the cart.

Load up the van

Place your cart’s contents in the back part of the van that resembles a cart.

Connect the power cable to the quarantine gate.

As you descend the ramp, and then through the tunnels, you will be able to reconnect the cable using the powerbox. A cutscene plays and you need to sprint to the rear of the van to seek help. Go to the offramp and leap into the back of the van to be saved.

The completion of Brooklyn gives you”County of Kings” achievement “County of Kings” achievement.


A rustic cabin nestled located in the middle of the forest, plenty of spaces inside to explore and even a excursion outside in the dark of night.

Escape from the attic.

At the end in the attic, you will find a newspaper clipping probably of missing people as the infection spread. There are boards that cover an entrance trapdoor that leads to the attic. Break them to let the trap door open and breakthrough. Be cautious of zombies who are that lurk beneath and out of view.

Break planks in order to move on.

Go through the dark hall and you’ll see an unlit door. Break them in order to move on.

Families are the solution. Find the book that will reveal the secrets.

Continue through the hallways through the halls, past the fireplace and on your left is the table with candles on the top. Go through the door above this and enter the TV room. There is an image of the family in the wall next to the television. The portrait is broken, you can open the lock, then take the book.

Place the book on the shelf

The book is in your hands Return to the hallway, and slide into the floorboards by an overhead flood light.You will find an illuminated bookcase. The book should be placed on the bookcase and you’ll unlock a secret space.

Weld through the kitchen door.

In the secret book room is a torch for cutting. Use this torch to go out of the room toward the kitchen. A blinking padlock blocks the path out and must be cut with this torch. Get rid of the zombies and then cut the area with the torch. The process may be stopped without affecting the welding progress.

Reconnect the telephone line.

Breach out of the patio, and on your right is an open area that has an unattached Telegraph line. Pick up your socket and climb up the ladder that is nearby, and connect it to the outlet.

Locate the battery in your vehicle, turn the generator, and then ask for assistance!

Go back to the kitchen, and you will be able to see a brightly lit room near the exit door of the kitchen. There are glowing objects that are needed for the goal. You can investigate this area to get rid of any infections and contaminated areas, but to achieve the mission, you must break through the well-lit exit signs inside the cabin. There is likely to be a huge crowd that will be waiting for you, so be ready for battle before you go through.

Find the battery of your car in vehicles. It could appear in multiple locations within this area. If you spot it, stay outside until you see the generator glowing and shining. When you have the battery in your hand You must put it in the middle of the generator otherwise it won’t work. The generator will start to spark upon receiving the battery. Return to the cabin, where the radio is located, and dial for assistance.

There will be the radio signal and then an emergency scene that is shown for the vehicle that is assisting.

Keys are also given to you, so take them and walk back out of the patio and onto the ocean. In front of you is a doghouse with locks. The key is required to open it. Simply step up and put your key in the lock. The step towards the lamp to be evacuated, and take care not to slip into the water.

Completing Cabin confers”Cabin Fever “Cabin Fever” achievement.


An essential element of official maps. It is set in the city’s Chinatown district in the evening.

Get off the subway!

Take your supplies and head to the top. Get through the gates of the fence by wrangling and then walk across the corridors. Once you have found a gate that is being opened, you will be able to walk out onto the streets.

Find generator fuel to unlock the gate!

Behind the police, vehicle is a wall that is sealed off by a generator running that is fuel. To your left is a doorway to a repair shop where fuel could spawn lower levels below the ground. Take the gas back and return back to your generator. Begin walking up with the gas in your hand and then place the gas in the port that connects to the generator. The fence button is now blinking, allowing you to utilize it to raise the gate, completing the goal.

Let the ladder go off the roadblock!

Go down Manhattan streets, and you’ll encounter a barricade that has an elevated ladder that blocks the path forward. When you follow the wire you’ll see it’s connected to a switch hidden behind some glass that is bulletproof. Proceed forward through the garage, and continue to follow the route around to the switch you saw earlier. When you have made it to the gate, press the switch. Then make a quick exit by pressing the gate button adjacent to the gate. Go up the ladder, then go on.

Get through these sewers!

Follow the light and go to the sewers. Be aware of the water, because contact with it will soak into your shoes and cause infection with damp feet. As you travel through the sewers, you’ll come across an incline. You can climb it and you’ll be able to access a shortcut door that you can open. It will lead you back to the place you started. Continue forward in the opposite direction, and finish this goal.

Make use of a welder to open the gate’s lock to unlock it!

The gate mentioned above is located next to an underpass from the main road, which is accessed near the police vehicle.

From the laundry, go through the side entrance, and through the ambulance. In the back of the car in flames is a room with boards. You can break the boards and will discover a torch inside a cabinet. Return to the gate locked and put the torch to light the lock. It is possible to cut it without affecting the welding progress. When the lock is cut you must turn and then hold the crank to unlock the gate. If you let the crank go, it will close the gate, stopping you from coming back.

Make sure you turn on the radio and then call for help!

Continue forward to pick up things to take to the docks. When you’ve arrived at the docks, keep in mind that the radio is directly in front of the point where the trailer ran into the fence. Make a left in the bay , and you’ll find an entrance to the garage, simply follow the wires up. Locate the socket and connect it to your wall. Reconnect to the radio, and request help. After you’ve called for rescue, you’ll need to wait until rescue arrives. Rescue will be in the middle of your room, behind the radio.

The completion of Chinatown confers with the “Year of the Zombie” achievement.


An England-themed game set during the daytime Liverpool streets. Complex and large, highly recommended for players with advanced skills.

You need to find some TNT in order to get through the gate to the alley.

In the house take a walk down the back alleyway, and you will see TNT glowing across the floor. It could spawn in a variety of spots on the floor. Once you have the TNT in your hands you can take it to the bright alley gate and put it there by walking straight through the gate. Make sure to clear the area so that you don’t risk the explosion.

Locate the lever that turns off the power.

This is a dynamic objective. it is chosen randomly to be active during the duration of a particular game. The power source is hidden behind a gate that has electrified water blocking access. You can take a right on the street, away from the alleys, go towards the phone booth, and mark your gate in front of the phone booth. The lever is along this road and turns left at the intersection and then at the end of the gate for the fence.

Return to the gate unlocked using the lever and then place it inside an electrical cabinet. Switch the lever to shut off the electric current, and walk over the water after it is turned off.

Be aware of the fact that those concrete slabs you can see do not step stones, and you’ll be electrocuted when you try to leap across them while the power is in place.

Blaster through the wall of an alley.

To the left side of the road that we have just cleared is the gate that has a board. You can destroy it using an attack to unlock the gate. Locate a gas can on the stairs of the house. Return to the alleyway with the can in your hand. In the next alley, you’ll see the wall, which has an obscure cross-shaped X that shows where you need to put the canister. Set it there and then clean the area to prevent the possibility of an explosion.

Go to the next alley.

Follow the steps and proceed carefully to the next location. There will be supplies all within your reach which is why it’s prudent to take them with you. On the next street, there is an illuminated red door, and possibly a huge crowd in the shadows. You can take Molotov or Jerry Can get rid of the streets to get rid of them without closing the door. Follow the steps to reach the next target.

Get a ladder over the gate to the alley.

The gate is situated just in front of the new area and is to the left. The ladder can either be spawned towards the right, or return to an ocean shore. Return the ladder to the marked X, and proceed to the gate.

Find the welder and get back to the gate that opens the alley.

The back alley gates that is referred to are the same one that you crossed over. In the next direction is an ordinary store called “r&e bargains”. There is welding equipment also inside the rooms of homes. Return to the ladder, and remove the door from the welder. You are able to stop this process at any time, without losing your progress.

Make use of a ladder to access the Samco store.

The Samco is located down the boulevard and the ladder is concealed in the area to the left of the neon logo. With the ladder on your back, you can place it underneath the ladder that is already there and then climb it.

Make use of a welder for breaking into stores.

Begin to climb the ladder with cautiousness towards the store. The fall will not harm you if you don’t leap over the edge of the staircase. By using the torch to cut the upper floor cut the lock to move forward. You are able to stop this procedure at any time without losing your progress.

Be sure to follow the whiteboard’s objective.

The whiteboard is illuminated inside the store by the floodlight located just to the right at the front of the store.

It says:


1. Locate a the green gas can to fuel

2, Microphone

3. Car battery to provide power

This is the generator next to the whiteboard. The materials are scattered throughout the city. They are not found in the store and you have to scavenge all of them. Be aware of this If you’re following the game: do not solicit help until you’ve found the pliers that are mentioned in the next goal.

The gas can has to be green since it contains fuel that is green, while the yellow cans have yellow fuel. It’s quite easy.

The green gas tank is located right beside the water that was once electrified. It is to the right of your initial entrance to the alley.

The microphone is located near the windows in the rear of bargains for r&e.

The car battery is on the second street, which is facing away to Samco.

Get the green gas bottle and place it on the generator to take in your green fuel.

Place the car battery on the pliers, and place it on the table.

Set the mic on the table near an angle of the blue light.

Use pliers to cut the lock. You will have 3 minutes to be removed!

The helicopter is waiting for you behind an unlocked gate in Samco. For unlocking the gate go back to the beginning of the game, and look for the glowsticks, where pliers are placed next to a corpse bag. Return to Samco and open the gate before the nuke is on its way to vaporize the zombies as well as anyone who is not in the helicopter. With the pliers on the way go up to the lock, and it will take the pliers in order to open it. Ascend the rope of the helicopter and let it go.

Complete Cleopas gives you Cleopas with the “Dingle Berry” achievement.


The story is set in a primarily underground military base. Sorry for the lack of detail due to character limitations.

Decontamination area. Break free of the zone

Slam the door by slamming it to move through.

Make sure the fuse box is fixed to unlock the emergency door

On the left is a fusebox. Hold down the key to lower the platform that is full of zombies. This process is not interrupted.

Utilize your I.D card to disable the locks that are triggered by viruses.

If the door is unlocked in the decon area, move be cautious as you may easily be caught in the crossfire. There are behind the desks items that you can pick up, and the referenced I.D card is located behind the desk behind. It is necessary to take this card to move to the next section. Pass this card through the cavern. Take an immediate left and then slide it into the reader on the outside, close to the large gate.

Make use of a ladder to sneak into the quarantine

The ladder is in an storage area just to the right of the entrance point. From this point, you might be able to see the glows not being reliable. The ladder is placed at the entrance point just across from the point where the ladder was retrieved.

As you climb up the vent, and then take a left to locate an open maglite that is located in the corner , surrounded by an unidentified corpse. It is extremely dark. The route ahead is left and you’ll need to make use of a melee weapon to smash open a vent that is breakable. Follow the path until you come across the dropdown, and take the opportunity to be aware of falling injuries by not sprinting.

Utilize a welding tool to cut the door of the quarantine

The welder can be found in an unfinished backroom to the right of the gate that is in front of it. Go to the far side of the complex, and put the second fire for the beams of the quarantine doors.

Reactivate the radio relay.

It’s easy to lose yourself in this area This is why we have exact direction from dropdown rooms. From there, straight ahead to the wet floor signage. After passing the mess hall, then take an immediate left through the doorway wide, to the left is a blue door. Use the switch.

Make use of the captain’s keys to open the armory

Make use of your compass in order to find the key. It’ll be located within one of the areas with an orange tiny blip. Bring it to the armory.

Prime napalm canisters

In the armory are napalm canisters. Take these to blue blinks in the compass. The one is in the meeting room and the other is in the corridor in the front.

Arm sterilisation procedure

(sterilization (sterilization, sic) (sterilization, sic) on the compass and switch the switch.

Get out of the complex prior to sterilization

Exit’s near the armory.

Listen to Bob the master’s voice to unlock the freezer with high security

It is necessary to find the radio that you found in the research room. You can take a right, and then across the hall from the room that you were in. After the room with the OP11467, turn left, and then down the hallway. In the meantime, bring the radio with you, and take it to a new room.

From the room for research Return to the hall, and then take four right turns, which is basically an arc (ignore the first door locked). You’ll be in the room labelled the room of Dr. Mengler. Set your radio in the middle of the table, and that zombie sitting on the opposite face of glass. The zombie will perform some sort of performance.

Menglers code to unlock the freezer with high security.

Mengler’s (sic) codes are random and the code is displayed on the PC close to. You can take a left, right, and then down until the end, where you will see boxes. Enter the code in the keypad.

Get the vaccine back retrovirally

Take the jar and place it in the freezer.

Find an explosive to unlock the door to quarantine.

A bomb is located in the meeting room with exposed walls. Follow the steps you took, then go through the hallway, then take an immediate left and enter the hall for meetings. You will see an empty white canister on the wall behind. Return to the door that you entered through (the one that does not have an extinguisher for fire) ahead via the doors with doubles, ahead to Mengler’s office, then left to Mengler’s office, then left and finally the blue glowing doors. The canister falls into place as you near the door. Now, you must go it is back up after the explosion.

Stop the power supply to the puddle of electrified electricity

Through the open door through the door and then back to caves. The red light indicates the possibility of grabbing some objects and the way forward is straight through the caves. You make a slight u-turn. The caves split. To the right is an electrified puddle. To the left is the trailer. Make a left, and then walk into the trailer. Take a gun if you require. Go to the end of the trailer, and there will be an electric box that’s glowing. Smash it with a machete to stop the electricity.

Use a crank to open the the gate.

Follow your route and make an exit to the harmless puddle. The crank you are looking for will be to your left, well-lit. The crank is to your left in the container for shipping. If you carry it, it could cause you to be disarmed, so you must move carefully. Set the crank over the outline of light. The objective is finished when the crank is put in place however, a note:

Be wary of zombies that may encroach on the shutters afterward. Make use of dynamite to clear their entrance or to lure them out. This could be a brutal chokepoint to get past. Use the key located on the fence near the crank to let it open. Use the key on the crank to unlock the door. Run through the door before it closes.

Uncouple the load wagon.

Branch goal. Then, go to the cave’s end with a brightly lit-up. There’s a wagon that is chained which requires you to place the key for use. It is possible to break it without losing any progress.

Use blasting caps to eliminate the slide of rocks

(from the previous goal)

It’s a pretty straight and a bit pitch black. It’s important to bring some fuel to get there The dynamite can be found in the first red light in the distance behind the rocks. Follow the trail until the end , where you’ll discover the rocks as well as an outline of glowing explosive. Put it on the rocks, then clean the area.

(from the branching route)

On the right side of the cave There’s a heap of rocks to take dynamite and carry to. Then you’ll be thrown into a pool water.

Latches latches must be removed.

If you follow the open route You’ll come across an electric torch in the vicinity of several wagons along the route. Make sure you have one, as you’ll require one. Then you’ll see an unfinished concrete wall. Go through the entrance there. The space that is beyond this concrete wall the dead beginning. Use your torch to cut to open the ladder’s (sic) latch. It is possible to cut off the ladder without losing any progress.

If you’ve fallen into a puddle of water due to a branching route simply follow the cave until the entrance.

Open the gate using the key. the gate on the surface.

The ladder is located on the right hand side of the open fence. It can be difficult to identify initially. When you reach the top, you’ll be welcomed by a clear blue sky. Take a walk down the hill, and then stop by the tent of the army to locate the key. The key will lead you to the bottom of the hill, and then the fence. It’s not the first fence but the fence that is on the right of it.

Find the fuse to the surface generator.

There is an open, wide field. Pay attention to the grey structure on the right. We’ll be back to this area. Now, move forward , and then go towards an entrance to the left. Near the end of this small fence maze is a small battery or something similar. Take it and walk back to the building that was mentioned before. The device will be deactivated when carrying it. Bring it to the bright red electrical outlet.

Radio an S.O.S

Make use of the microphone on the table directly in front of you.

Be sure to protect yourself from the flu vaccine in the event of an emergency.

In front of the table, there is a room with an open suitcase. Press the use key.

Make sure the vaccine is secured to the droplet of vaccine

Branch goal. The helicopter will be waiting for you outside Bring the suitcase along with your key to use. You are also disarmed when carrying the suitcase. In a shocking act of deceit and a slap on the wrist, the military takes off and says you’re in your own hands. A second helicopter arrives to give hope a second chance, and is accompanied by an action sequence that signifies the rescue.

Diesel pumps are fuelled by diesel fuel.

Branch goal. Go outside and attach an fuel cable on the helicopter. Use the use button on the diesel cable , then stroll over onto the helicopter. This is a risk since the person who is walking around is susceptible to attack. A team covering them will help greatly. Once the helicopter has been fueled the cut-scene starts to play, signalling everyone to join in.

Completed FEMA gives you an award called the “Say Hello to Your Aunt Alicia!” achievement.


The setting is a deserted city with plenty of corridors and rooms that you can get locked within. It can be challenging but fun.

Escape the secure haven

Get any items you require and locate one of the two doors that are boarded up and smash the board with a hammer to unlock the door to exit.

Get into the market

Start right to find a store for groceries and then break into it by smashing the windows. This will trigger an alarm that you must stop.

Switch off the security alarm.

Go towards the rear of the store, and, by the cashier, hit the alarm light to turn it off.

Access the apartments through the alleyway

When the alarm goes turned off, the freezer’s door will be opened, with an empty propane tank in the white color. Take it out of the shop however, do not forget to gather things while you’re there. First aid kits, medications and bandages inside the room next to the main entryway. After you’re outside, walk down the sidewalk until you come to the alley that runs to the end. There’s a gate you need to set the explosive on after it’s gone, return it up and then shoot it to unlock the door.

Contact the number for assistance

Continue down the halls in the apartment. First door that you see has a code you’ll need later on So enter the room and search for computers within some of the spaces. Write the code down in Chat in public (default code”Y”)) to let the other survivors that you’ve been notified. You can scavenge the items you have and walk back to the hallway. Through the tape is the radio that is glowing behind an entrance you’ll see, go inside and hit the use key (default button E).

The person will present an overview of the subject, and once completed, the next goal will be discussed.

Find a welder through the safehouse

Go through the apartments, when you are outside, take the left and enter the building that is warmly lit by the fireplace. You should hide and don’t wish to be caught here. Continue following the hallways to the right of the offices to locate an electrician. Retrace your steps back towards the barrel for fire, and take a left the shutter of a warehouse’s door easily head height. After that, you can use your welding tool on the blue door that is glowing red. It is possible to stop welding without losing any progress.

Continue forward, and cross the street in front of the truck that blocks the route. It is possible to turn left for the straight dangerous route, or turn right to take the more slow but somewhat safer option. Take the pawn shop and knock the lock with a smack.

Input the code for access.

Utilize the passcode that is found in the apartment here. After it’s been accepted then give the door an instant to be opened.

Find a different way to get out of the building

Pawn shops are the perfect place to get rid of firearms, share ammunition with your team members and recompose yourself. You might want to consider discharging your gun (default primary U) in the event you discover an even more powerful weapon that uses the reserve ammunition of your gun like a pistol equipped with an MP5. So you’ll have more ammo to the primary weapon. Once you’re ready to move forward, you’ll need to go towards the door in the back. Inside the halls that you’re within, walk past the sign for wet floors and climb the spiral staircase with additional supplies to your left. The stairs will lead you to the office on the third floor take a seat inside and walk to the hallway that’s well lit. The end of the hall is a door that has been shackled to the 3rd floor office. Smash the planks with a punch.

Find the sewer key , and get out of the city

Follow the linear route and then into the elevator shaft. This is the point of no return. Keep going and shortly you’ll find yourself in a sewer. Go through the red tunnel. The sewer key is in the second room, to your left. You can jump over the railings for an alternative. When you have found the key, continue along the underground. Make sure you keep an eye on the key as it could be lost in a flash. If you lose it, make use of the Compass (default keys C) to find its general place of residence.

You’ll soon find an alternate path that runs from left to right. Left tunnel the longer dead end, however it is stocked with supplies. Make a left, and you’ll be greeted by another fork on the road. Both roads will eventually lead to the finish and are roughly equal, so choose which one. Be sure not to get lost. At the end of the trail there’s an unlocked ladder to climb off of. You can crouch down under the shutter with your key, and then follow the glowing. After that, follow the straight line out and put the key in one of the doors at the close.

Put three explosives into the tunnel to ensure your escape

After the door has opened automatically and you are able to walk down the road, and hang a left. Take note of the red X’s across the wall. The final point of this road, there will be a dynamite that you have carry to each X marked. After the last one has been put in place, a cutscene is shown which opens the way to rescue. Be quick, as the explosives are set to explode in the near future. Therefore, it is best to save the nearest X for the last.

Completing Junction awards the “Havana on the Hudson” achievement.


The game begins at midnight, beside an idyllic lakeside cabin. The game is linear and short, and has an easy difficulty. There are many intertwining objectives the majority of them will not be present in the game, so please apologise for the sprinkling of details.

Leave the Mill

Initial branch objective, might not be visible in your playthrough. If not, jump to the “Find key to the back door” header If it’s not this one. Check the mill for any supplies and then press the keys (default”E”) to open the primary entry boards. The ceiling’s boards are prone to breaking and may contain things hidden in the ceiling.

Make use of the welder to open the gate that is locked

Branching objectives. Take a walk along the waterfall and there will be an unlocked gate leading to the cabin. There is a road that leads to a highway. make a left and you’ll come across a collapsed trailer that is next to a vehicle. Go inside to the left, and take an electric welder. Go back to the gate and make use of the secondary fire on your welder to it.

You can enter the cabin through the side door.

On the top of the hill, you’ll see an entrance that leads straight to the cabin. Go through, and then enter the cabin.

Find the key for the locked door.

Inside the cabin, you’ll find the red glow key. take this key to the glowing white door in the vicinity.

Find the key to the back door.

The initial branch objective may not be visible in your game, so go back on the “Leave the mill” header if it’s not the one you were looking for. Get any materials and cut the door’s front boards using a melee or press the board and then gently lift the board off.

Find the garage key

It’s part of a branch goal and might not show up in the game. There’s a key in the beach shed. Take it to the white door. Utilize your compasses (C in default) for clues.

Make use of the generator to provide the emergency power

The generator is on the beach, with the radio tower to the left. Gas cans could spawn from the mountains North to the West. Transfer the gas to the rear of the generator to make it a liquid with delicious oil.

Use your propane tank to blow up the doors to your cellar.

On the left of the main entryway is an entrance to the cellar set in red which doesn’t light up. Bring the canister from beach to the doors, and at a safe distance blast it to explode.

Telecommunications are down. Restore!

To the west of the hills West there will be a purple crank that you will need to turn on first, and then press the red switch.

Restore all three underground generators

Generators can be accessed via an elevator that’s now broken that requires you to navigate down the stairs using the wooden boards below to prevent your fall. You only need to break what must be’s three switches that you must to turn on again each on top of one another.

Find an alternate route to the cabin.

Continue following the route until you reach an elevated bridge that has the red glow button. When all generators have been repaired, you can press this button in order to reduce the bridge to get across. Go through the cave and then up the spiral stairs. When you reach the door half shut then crouch down and take to the right in the cave. There are supplies left side in case you need these.

At the at the end of the tunnel you’ll see the car that has falling trailer, go towards the left to take a welder and you’ll require it. After you’ve left the highway, and down the dirt road there’s a gate locked that requires a secondary fire from a welder to unlock it. It is possible to stop welding without losing your progress.

Locate key to cellar

The Compass (default keys C) will give you an indication of the location of the key. It’s red, and you have to take it to the door in the cabin that’s glowing white.

Reset the main trip switch.

Then, down into the cellar, you’ll find an emergency switch in an area that you can use. Don’t be worried about the water is safe and has been vaccinated.

Make use of the radio to call the rescue

The foyer’s main entrance has an audio system, you can reach it only to discover it has no power.

Make use of the radio!

The main floor of the cabin is a radio. Use it, and a scene of the rescue scene will play.

You will need to go through the tunnel

Out into the darkness, taking note of the structure directly in front of you as you climb through the hills. Take a left turn towards the waterfall and continue along the trail. You’ll soon come across an avenue with a tunnel on your left. Take care not to be surrounded with zombies as you go. Once you’re a good distance ahead, you’ll see an exit sign that has an exit double door for exiting the tunnels.

Find the crank and use it to open the door made of metal.

.In this red staircase, you will find the crank that is in question. You can crawl under the door and walk down the stairs to carry the crank back to the top where it will be put in. It disables you while you carry it. After it’s connected it, you can hold the key down and then safely cross the door. This is a one-way operation since the door will drop back up after the crank is not turned.

Reset the generator , switch and generator.

Keep going forward to locate an maintenance shed. Use the two buttons and make a slight detour to continue.

Secure the lock onto the house.

Moving forward, you’ll come across the house from the top of the map. You require a torch for cutting to unlock the lock. You will find an electric welding torch on the shoreline, in the structure that is under construction. To return to the house make use of the torch on the lock. The process is able to be stopped without losing the progress.

Find the code to the computer room

The code is upstairs in the cabin , in some of the bedrooms that is glowing red. The computer room is located downstairs in the kitchen. It’s secured by a lock.

There is no signal! Turn the satellite dish around!

Take a walk outside to the room for computers. Turn left and locate the bright staircase and the satellite dish. Ascend the ladder and hit the use key onto the dish in order to restore the reception. Note you will see the emergency vehicle be at the back of the shed.

Make use of the laptop

Go back to the computer room and make use of the laptop to request rescue. This will play an action scene in which you can see the US Coast Guard comes to shore in the aid of a boat.

You have 30 seconds to get rescue to shore , and they have to leave due to low fuel. If you’re still from the entry point, take a road just behind your house (not on the beach) to leap over a van and get to your group.

Don’t stand near the shed’s doors as you’ll be shot by the cutter. To ensure your safety, ensure that the boat comes to completely stop before you can board. Be aware of the lower part of the ramp as it could throw you over the ramp and could harm or even kill you.

The completion of Lakeside confers with the “Private Beach” achievement.


Compact and short in the sun of England with plenty of backtracking. It is easy to complete. There aren’t any respawn points within this map.

Continue on to Harington road

Take the apartment out of your sight and smash the wooden beam from the door, and then into the roadway.

Answer the Phone

Initial branching goal, listen to the phone call of a man who needs help. The telephone booth is near the end of the street, very apparent.

Find a fuel tank that can blast the garden wall

There is fuel located in one of the homes or in the streets. Bring the green gas to the wall of the garden that is glowing (behind the telephone booth). Then, let it explode all by itself.

Apply a welder to the manhole cover

The first branching goal, it could not show up during your game. A manhole is located next to some glowing green lights, you can use an iron found near that in garages to unlock it. This process may be stopped. Be careful when you stand on top of it because you could be thrown directly down.

Find the crank to open the door.

As part of a branching goal It might not show up in the game you play through. Take the manhole down and down into the sewers. Some objects are available to pick up, then you’ll be able to reach the final point of the linear track. There is a cage with steps inside, and a crank right next to it. Unlock the door, take the crank and put it over the plan. Press the key to unlock the gate. It will not hold you must move it fast.

Take a trip to the chapel.

As part of a branching goal It may not be visible in your game. Move forward up the ladder and hit your use key to open the trapdoor. A man listening to a radio is aware of your presence and will inform you about the incident.

Utilize tnt to connect to the store

Outside the chapel, there’s an unidentified corpse that has a TNT in the vicinity, but it might be located elsewhere inside the graveyard. Then, carry this tnt in front of the chapel to the wall, that has an X engraved on it. When you have it up on the wall, push your key of use onto the canister directly next to it. Then, move it back from the imminent explosion.

Enter the store

This is an objective that branches, and it is not likely to appear during your game playingthrough. Go towards the ADSA supermarket, which is located in front of the damaged wall. Smash those boards with a good punches and then walk into the store.

Weld through the store’s side entrance

This is an objective with a branch, so it might not show up during your game gameplay. Continue towards the ADSA supermarket, which is located in the direction of the wall that is broken. On the other side is a steel staircase that leads to a side entry. Use a welder to open the doors that glow.

Find dead staff member and go into the into the warehouse office

The key will appear within the store. You can take the key to the backrooms and put the door that is glowing up the stairs.

Help is available

In this space, listen to the radio. The same person who was in the chapel will inform you that he’ll arrive at Harington road in just 5 minutes.

Continue back to Harington road

Return track to the starting point on the map.

Answer the phone

Different from the other phone Objective. The caller states that there’s been five minutes of delay. The call sparks an idea in the survivor’s head.

Use a welder to connect three wall sockets to create an explosion!

For pyromaniac or other reasons, or as a signal fire to possible rescue, you can use the welder in the vicinity of the home’s electrical outlets. The process is not interrupted. Sooner or later you will see the National guard will appear in the graveyard, alerted by your flame or astonished at the destruction that you’ve created.

Complete Toxteth award to the “It’s Always Sunny in Liverpool” achievement.


In a quarantined district around midnight. This can be quite challenging, particularly late in the game.

Escape from the alley

There’s a supply on both sides of the laundry, and with the possibility of a full service, you may need to leave without a melee, which can make leaving the store difficult. If you’re ready, smash open the back window or the front entrance with the shove or melee. There’s a ladder for fire escapes that which you can climb with a loaded Sniper gun and it’s the perfect vantage point from which to get rid of zombies in the street (don’t run to the trashcan as you’ll be thrown off). When you’ve cleared the narrow chokepoint, it will become a large avenue and a sea zombies.

Get a shovel to dig for fuel in the graveyard that has been made-shift.

There’s a shovel that’s marked with a red blip which you can find using your compasses (default keys C) The graveyard is located to the left of the wall from which after you’ve left the alley. The shovel is on the other side of on the other side of the block in the parking area near a gun shop that you ought to consider looting for guns. It is not a crime to carry the shovel.

After you have visited the park, which has been repurposed into a graveyard, dig up patches and find an unclean fuel in one. Simply place the shovel on the ground, and then hold your key to dig to the burial site (cannot interrupt the digging). You may also find burial sites for weapons as well.

The generator must be fueled and then switch it on.

Transfer the fuel across the street and then straight ahead to a shutter with a generator in the vicinity. The can should be placed on the side of the generator. It will take a while before pressing the button of use on the generator’s green button.

Be patient and wait for the rollup doors to be opened

When it’s open, walk around and listen to the carol of zombies in the streets away from you. You do not want to be snatched in the midst of this.

Go into the sewers

I enjoy taking an extended swing into this building to ensure that zombies in the warehouse do not converge around the corners. There is a sharp angle that could quickly trap you between two huge groups of zombies. So, break through the shutter on the right door and assist in removing the zombies in the inside. The team members clearing this can help tremendously.

Go forward and go through the back of the warehouse The back warehouse is an extremely narrow chokepoint that has zombies in your way. If you are able to squeeze an opening, grab it and leave in the quickest time possible. Press the button that glows to let the gate open. There’s a manhole in the vicinity It’s a point at which there’s no return. When you’re ready, jump in and splash a lot so that you don’t suffer fall injuries if you drop into the water.

Locate that key in the maintenance area.

Dead survivors can respawn in the room to your left There are a few items in the room as well. I imagine this space as an enormous W shape, or a fork, or a fork. The left side is directly to the keys, the middle to the maintenance room and the right leads to the crank room. Move forward, you might require a detour through zombies in order to reach the maintenance room before you reach an escape point. Make sure to check your Compass (default number C) to determine the bearings of the key, it’s just randomly located.

Return to the central area, and put the key in the doors to open them.

Locate the crank that is missing and remove the oil from the maintenance room!

The crank is highlighted as well as randomly placed. Make sure to check your compass to determine its position. Bring this crank along the rightmost direction. There’s an area and a glowing section where the crank can be put in. After it’s been placed, go back to the maintenance area.

Make use of the radio!

When you’ve returned back to the maintenance area then walk down the dry staircase and connect to the radio that’s down there. There’s someone on the radio talking about the incident.

Take the Walkie Talkie

Use the flashing walkie talkie next to the radio. It will not occupy space in the inventory.

Get out of the waterways.

The radio operator states that you have to close a gate at the opposite side of the street and then go back to the quarantine area (the gate that is right next to an exit for sewers) prior to being nuked to death. You’re only allowed one minute once it’s shut. At present, you should follow the linear path to the top do not bother with the ladder going down. It’s all just zombies below.

Close the gate that opens to the quarantine entrance for access to the quarantine’s inner area.

As you walk along the street, taking note of the gates on the right of the alley , as you’ll be running to it in the near future. Near the end of the alley there is a key that you must to press your key to close the gate. The process cannot be interrupted and the gate will gradually roll backwards if you left unattended. Another survivor could cover yourself by climbing the ladder from the small yard to the left and shooting anyone who is infected around in peace. If you own molotovs, throw them in the front gate to stop children and runners from making it through.

Go to the quarantine area before the failsafe is activated!

After closing the gate Don’t waste time in rushing back to the quarantine in the back. If someone is bleeding, provide them with the bandages immediately with the aid of a fire alarm and utilize the secondary emergency fire (right mouse click default) while watching them close by. Everyone must be running around here and bleeding stops them from running. If everything went according well, you’ve returned to the original area and passed through the newly opened gate. A warning of 10 seconds will be displayed on the top left side of the screen. the screen will appear faded white when the nuke tactical is fired.

The siren should be activated when you are ready

Radioman explains that the siren’s sound will keep the zombies away from them. Then, rescue will appear to take you away. Keep your side against the wall to fight off zombies until help arrives.

You can survive 2 minutes

If you turn on the siren you’ll be drawing all the zombies within the vicinity. When rescue is completed it will be followed by a cut-scene that shows it hovering above the road. The rope that it released will be climbed go and get out.

Completing Quarantine gives an award of “Containment Loss” achievement.


The quarry is a massive one that has elevators and verticality to explore.

Open the gate.

Locate a welding machine in the area of beginning and then proceed to a door that is barricaded by slamming the planks by a melee, then head out to find an open gate for a fence. Make use of the welder on the glowing lock to unlock it (this process is able to be stopped).

Find 3 planks to cross the electrified puddle.

This goal may not be visible in the game you play through. There are planks of wood to the left of the gate. take them all across the platform. The platform is not armed when carrying these. Be careful around the water, since it can kill you in a matter of minutes. Before you lay the last plank, you should think about trying to lure zombies on the opposite side towards you, as they’ll be burned by the water in an attempt to get close enough to you.

Utilize the panel located inside the room of control. and then open the gate B

Continue moving towards the metal structure that is rusty and then go through the first floor door, which glows. Beware of the zombies that lurk in the dark. You’ll you’ll see a yellow glow in the controls panel within the room. Use the keys (default”E”) upon it, to unlock the way ahead.

Begin your journey towards the gate.

Go back to the street and follow the wall’s perimeter. Check for the corners along your route for a maglite if don’t already have one It will prove useful in the near future. Find under the stairs the gas can that is yellow and bring it along when you find it, as it’s an item that is objective. Note the elevator that you go through, as you’ll need to return to this location. Then you’ll come across the tunnel in the middle, go in a cautious manner and illuminate the way with a torch If you’ve got one.

Make use of a gas gun to smash down the barricade

It’s a branching objective and may not show up in the game you play through. When you get to the final point in the tunnel there’s an obstacle blocking your way. If you don’t have the gas bottle then you must go back and find it near the elevator. If it’s dropped into the bottom of the abyss, it will be respawned.

When you have reached the barricade, you can place it and clean the area prior to it explodes.

Find an alternate route into the tunnels for maintenance

It is an ambiguous branching goal that may not be visible in your game. Go through the broken barricade. To the left is a dead-end with supplies. The right is the way ahead. Follow the linear path and you’ll be in the dark space with an illuminated powerbox within. Hit the use button on that and it will come on.

Pry open the doors of the elevator

This is an objective that branches, and it might not show up during your playthrough. Continue forward through the dark hallway. There are maglites in the vicinity to pair with your gun. Install the gun by pressing the F key (flashlight button as a default) to make use of both simultaneously. If you don’t have either of them, turn left and locate the glass window on the powerbox’s door. Make the trip.

Use the use keys on the shutter buttons that glow to unlock them, then go to the to the outside. The fubar is glowing the right , next to some gray electrical items, carry it to the elevator you mentioned previously. The fubar is not armed when you carry it. When it’s in position in your hand, hold and press your button on the fubar. The process is able to be interrupted without losing the progress. When the process is completed the fubar is released to be used as an weapon. Make use of the lever to push the elevator up. Make an inventory of the number of people who are using it before sending it up. However, it is possible to send it back down if someone remains to stand.

Bring power back to the elevator

Part of a branching goal. Locate an electrical box and then press the key for use on it. If you’ve come from the first tunnel (Make your way to the gate) It’s an left turn and the first door to the left. If you own a gun and maglite, you can equip your pistol, and then press the”F” (by the default) to fire both simultaneously to defend yourself in the dark. The power switch will also activate certain lighting.

If you find a glass windows near by, and then go to that room. Hit the light button for the shutter to be opened..

Connect a spare lever the elevator

This is a respawning place for deceased survivors. There is an unopened lever from the tunnel that you first have entered through the building that is rusted. Return it in the elevator. Once it’s there you can make use of the lever to move an elevator upwards. Make an inventory of all prior to doing this, but the elevator might be called down if there is a person not present.

The escape to the surface!

Continue forward, and you’ll see another elevator. Be on the lookout for runners who are in the narrow hallway in front of you. Repeat the elevator’s conduct. The next goal marks an arc that goes to two different ends, so skip to “Find a key to enter to shed” to go to the second ending.

Locate an extinguisher, and then extinguish the flame

This is the end of the The route. Take the exit through the blasted-out opening in the wall. to your left there is an red brick structure and its entry point is blocked by a fire. A fire extinguisher is located behind it in an alleyway near the blue-white-striped building. The extinguisher should be placed near the fire, the secondary primary fire (default right-click) to turn it on and the secondary fire (default left click) to activate it. It is possible to hold the primary fire while walking towards the fire in order to make use of it when it is within the vicinity. The process is not disrupted. After the extinguisher is gone it’s safe to throw the extinguisher because it’s not needed anymore.

Help is available, call for help, or use the radio upstairs

The brick building on the upper floor has an audio system that you can utilize to ask for assistance. It’s hidden behind dark rooms and is a danger to be aware of. It should be shining near the blue glowsticks.

Set off a siren to indicate your location

The north (compass to the north, the default keys C) is a massive blue loader of some sort, make your way towards it. Below the loader are two tables as well as an unidentified signal device in white, place your use key on it to signal assistance, and a hoard of zombies. Prepare your defenses before signaling.


“Rescue is on the lookout for you! Be prepared!” It helps to have a group of people on the entire holdout. Utilize your firearm against children and runners molotovs and grenades to take out clusters, and then barricade the area around chokepoints using boards. It’s not easy to keep your cool If zombies wander into the area, but remain at your side, and check for your friends frequently to ensure they are defending themselves.

Take off with the helicopter!

The helicopter will be hovering near the holdout zone take off quickly, then board and protect any remaining teammates standing on the ground. You’ve completed one of the two escape strategies.

Find a key to access the shed

This goal marks the end of the B route. The key is within the same building that houses the elevator. The shed you are looking for is located a bit to the left just past the firetruck. When you are upstairs the key is resting upon an antique mattress under the light, which could be difficult to find. The key should be brought to the shed mentioned earlier the door should glow blue as you walk towards it.. Note the gap in the wall that is located near the stairs. You are able to crawl through it and stay clear of any horde that is sat below.

Attach the key to the door, take an instant to see that it’s unlocked, and get ready for runners who will enter.

Make use of the battery to unlock the gate at the entrance, and prepare for an escape

This is one of two escape vehicles that are available on this map. Bring the battery up onto on the South wall (use your compasses and C is the default) and then place it in the generator. After it’s placed, it’ll let you in through the gate. If you’re playing ingame it will take you to the to the left of the gate on the road, with a lot of players chasing you. It’s a tense time so be prepared. A mail truck is ready to save you.

Take The FastEx van and get out!

“You have 2 minutes to reach the escape vehicle” The runners will race toward the gate after it’s opened with others in the process. Be sure to keep moving, or you’ll get killed while waiting to see if there’s an opening. Escape behind the van and get away.

The completion of Rockpit confers”Rockstar” achievement “Rockstar!” achievement.


The city is mostly submerged, an ethereal German city.

Go to the main hall.

Find supplies in the region, there’s a lot of things that can help you along your way. Once you’re ready make your way towards the basement. By using a shove or a melee at the wooden barricade from the door’s lowest point.

Go upstairs

Take the red light to go to the upstairs.

Find an avenue to let you into the control room

Control room located downstairs behind the blue-lit door. A torch for cutting is required and can be found within one of the rooms on the second floor.

Remain downstairs, and then go to the glowing door (it was not locked) and then apply the torch to cut the metal doors that are flat. The process is able to be stopped without losing the progress. Keep an eye out for runners who are behind the door.

The heart-shaped key can be used to open the door leading to the lobby area (which is up the stairs)

Within the newly opened control room, there is an open heart-shaped key located that is on the floor. You need to carry it up the stairs to open a door that will be visible from the staircase. By carrying the key, you can disable yourself.

The generator can be activated using the push button located in the engine room

Move forward, beware of zombies in the small hallway. To the left is an exit to the outside that has an open, wide street packed with zombies. In the corner, you’ll see an unfinished brick building that you can walk into, with a glowing entrance. Be aware that the locked door to the left side can be opened by using a torch to cut (cannot be broken). The generator is located downstairs in this building. Press and hold your key for use to it (can be cut off).

Locate a lever and utilize it to gain access to the tunnels used for maintenance

Then leave the building and go left. Be on the lookout for the container of shipping filled with runners, and then take an exit to the left. The lever should be on the right path to the next building. The shipping containers continue to split open as runners pass by so be vigilant. When you’ve reached the final section of the maze of fences you can place the lever over the outline that glows. Zombies can be found on the opposite part of the entrance that you will be able to open.

Go downstairs to the tunnels for maintenance

Continue forward, and you’ll find a partly sunken elevator. Take the ladder up and follow the glowing sticks. You’ll pass through some passageways that require you to open them before dropping down from them. Be on the lookout for fall injuries If you’re behind the group. Follow the glowsticks.

(confirm whether this can be done from the other side)

As you climb on the stairs spirally, you are able to employ a torch cutting tool to open the door at top (process could end abruptly). The staircase will then lead back to the place you started.

Unlock the door that is pointed toward the sewers

It is possible to use a torch for cutting on the locked door to search for items upstairs. The only way to get there is via an underground shopping mall it appears to. Find the key near strip club signs and carry it all the way to the far end of the hall (you are not armed when you carry this).

The board must be destroyed in order to gain access to the sewer

Dead survivors will respawn after the achievement of this goal. Continue to move through the area surrounded by glowing glowsticks. Find the boarded entrance and smash it with a maul.

Turn off the gas

In the sewers you’ll discover the route blocked by a pipe that is broken and that leaks gas. This isn’t a threat to your health however, so don’t be worried you can just locate crank in the middle and set it next to the pipe. Use the key to turn it, and it will spin to your liking.

Search for clues

Go through the sewers, and search for the blue light sources from the glowsticks that lead you up. Then climb up and open your door towards the back of the hallway. Be aware of creatures lurking behind.

Find the switches, and then activate them onto the panel.

The room that you’ve opened is where you’ll put switches that are located in the sewer. Some are in the distance while others are located in close-by rooms. They are red in the faintest light and are easy to miss. Find them using the use keys (cannot be interrupted). If your colleagues have already located them, simply come back into the switching room, and press your use keys to put them (also can’t interrupt).

Prepare your escape route!

Return downstairs to the closest end of the sewer, and you will find a path that’s now unblocked by an enclosure. Continue forward in the white tunnel. The second turn you’ll see is a dead-end. You’ll soon come across the pool of electrified water and the requirement to leap across some obstacles. Keep your stamina in check and leap up and around the barrels, and then to the crate that is across the other side.

After a few tunnels, you’ll be met with an overview of the final section and a dropdown that traps the visitor here. When you descend and walk forward, pay attention to the massive steamy sewer pipe. As well as the tiny gate in front of it. You’ll be able to escape through this tiny gate.

There are plenty of items available for your team to utilize as well as a lever that can summon the Horde. Use the key to initiate the final, and it alerts your team with a threatening red text. Make sure that everyone is prepared prior to starting the game.

It takes about two minutes for the door to be opened while zombies stream through the pipe, and along the barricades on the sides.

After the gate has been opened and the gate is opened, a cut-scene will be played with the door open as well as a warning of an evacuation lasting 6 minutes. time duration. Use a grenade to get rid of the area, and go upstairs to the gate. Enter the first door you come across, the second route is dead.

In the near future, you’ll discover a final tunnel to traverse and an access ladder at the end. Take the ladder to the safe zone , and live for the rest of your days in what’s basically an underground bunker.

Completing Shelter awards the “There be No Shelter here!” achievement.


It is situated around a dark Chinese city on the water. It can be difficult to navigate when you’re lost in the numerous winding streets.

Find a way to get out from the station

Get your gear ready Be sure to not overlook the secret items on the other opposite side of the stairs.

Take the elevators up and then hang a left. You might have to take a detour in order to get to the next destination.

Main entrance blocked. Locate another exit

The objective is branching. goal that may not show up in the game you play. Reverse the direction you came, and an open door will pop up with zombies chasing you. Remove them and follow the direction.

Find the route to Lindun Road

When you’re out of the sewers, go towards the closest alley, and get the door that is flat and smooth by using your key. The path that lies behind the ladder is dead ending. To the left there is an open space filled with objects, and on your right side is the route to the right.

If you own a torch for cutting and a cutting torch, you can use the gate in the antique store that has a glowstick attached. Guns are in the casesand will sound an alarm if broken. Keep moving forward , and you’ll soon come across Lindun Road. Lindun Road.

Take the bridge

Cross the street (or turn left if there was no make a detour from the beginning) and then cross the bridge to see the road ahead, with a barricade.

Find a way to get into the Old Quarter

Go down the lane to the left of the bridge, then enter the store, and exit out the back.

Find a welding tool to open the door in the alley

It is an ensuing goal that may not show up during your game gameplay. There is a welding machine in the apartment if you do not have one. They are located right next to that burning firetruck. The parking lot is dead-end and you will find the dimly lit entrance for the building.

Cut the lock with a torch. This process may be disrupted. Open the door by using the key you have used.

You can find an IED to explode the doorway to the alleyway.

The branching goal that may not show up in your game. Make a left and turn left, crossing a bridge, and an intersection. The IED is located in the apartments to the left side, and the door to the alley is located to the right. Look to the left first, then take the IED back to this location and then to the door. Set the IED and then stand in the back.

Find gas to soak barricade

This is an objective that branches, and it is not likely to appear during your game. Gas cans are located in The Old Quarter, find the exact location using your compasses (default button C) and then bring it to the barricade on the right in the rear alley from which you started from.

The barricade should be ignited using an electric welder

This is an objective with a branch, but it might not be visible during your game playthrough. A welder is located in the area. return it towards the barrier (right in the middle of the street) and put the secondary fire to it. Allow it to completely burn, then go through the area once it’s finished.

Cross the canal, bridge it and then traverse it

If you are attempting to branch your goal that may not show up during your playthrough.

Alongside the bridge, you’ll discover a canal that has some steps that run alongside it. descend them. Keep your key close to the rope that you have tied to untie the boat. The process could be stopped. The boat will be pushed across the canal. You can reach the spot by retracing your steps before traversing the bridge. The water can hurt and could infect you, therefore, avoid it. Make a left at the intersection, and then hug the wall on your right to locate the door that leads to the small house. Go downstairs and then cross over the boat.

Begin by climbing to the top of stairs , and inside the second room, make an exit with a blind, which is the best way to go instead of following the light to the next step (it’s an unfinished route however you might come across a few items). Then, break the barricaded doors to go back out.

Look for the Evac station

The objective is branching. If you reach this goal and may not show up in the game you play. When you reach this objective, it will spawn deceased survivors to the left. Turn left to move ahead (or go straight if you destroyed an obstacle).

Tire fort to be slain

It is a branching objective that may not show up in the game you play through. There is an extinguisher located in the alcove where you respawn (where an army vehicle was blocking the roadway). Follow the road until notice a vehicle wreck with fire. Use the fire extinguisher’s secondary flame (right button by default) to turn it on then it’s main flame (left clicking by default) to the fire while being close enough to the fire.

Take the alleyway path

This is an objective with a branch, so it might not show up in your game. Follow the straight empty roads on the outskirts of the town until you arrive at the next objective. If you own an electric cutting torch it is possible to cut the backyards of some people and look for the glowing red light. Be on the lookout at a dead car battery in search of the next goal.

Locate a car battery that can provide power to the door

This is a branching goal and may not be visible in the game you play. If you’re fortunate, the battery will appear just next to the door. If not, try looking for one nearby, or use your compasses (default keys C) to find one. Bring the battery up to the generator and then hold the key for use to activate the switch.

Continue to evacuate station

Continue to move forward. It’s a good linear track to follow.

Evac station has died from an infection! Radio is a great way to contact assistance!

If you reach this goal, you will be able to respawn dead survivors.

Go across the street to the Evac center. If you see any fuel canisters or fireworks take them with you and they’re an object of study along with any first aid containers you see. Take down the barricade that blocks the entryway, then head upstairs to look for the radio. Utilize it to hear the sound of a Chinese voice, or perhaps an indication of rescue.

If the power is off, you can find the car battery that will power it

If you are attempting to branch your goal It may not be visible in your game.

In the absence of power, it is impossible to make a call for help. Check around town to find a car battery, you might have to walk for a few minutes to find one that is compatible with RNG. Utilize the compasses (default keys C) to find one. If you spot one, take it back at the station.

Find a method to signal the boat!

It is an ensuing branching goal It may not be visible during your playthrough.

Make use of your Compass (default keys C) to find the direction in which fireworks are going to go. Check around the town in search of them.Return back to your radio, and then hold the button on the fireworks when they’re fixed (cannot be removed).

This transmits a distress message through the windows. It sparks a small fire that rapidly spreads to encompass the entire upstairs space.

Find an alternative source of fuel

It is an ensuing branching goal It may not be visible in your game.

It is imperative to signal for rescue by setting the evacuation center on fire so that it acts as a huge torch. Search for them around the town, then utilize your compasses (default button C) to find in the exact direction that the gas canisters. There are steps on the right side of the bridge nearby and gas could spawn there. Take the fuel back up and put them on the can outline.

Make sure to ignite the center of evac using welding equipment to signal the boat!

Make use of the torch to cut (default right-click) for the cans of fuel. This process is not disrupted. Remain away from the flame it generates. As soon as the fire starts to get going, walk downstairs and hold the fort.

The rescue is on the way! Survive!

A cutscene will start playing when rescuers arrive at shore.

The back doors are open toward the sea. Step to the outside, and then wait for the boat to get close. Keep your stamina intact and begin to run and the boat won’t stop. Get on the side, but don’t giving enough landing space and the driver is fast. When you’ve landed safely, you are able to enjoy the view as the town disappears in the distance.

The completion of Suzhou award Suzhou with the “Seven-mile Shantang” achievement.


It is set primarily inside an underground tunnel that has numerous claustrophobic spaces brimming with of zombies. Highly recommended for experienced players.

Find an option to open the door!

Get your gear ready and climb the ladder that is on the side of the coach. Follow the road until you finally find a door to your right. You’ll have to locate the key that will open it. Over the guardrail, and enter the interior to the left. Utilize your Compass (default keys C) to determine the key’s location, sparkling blue. Bring your key back towards the entrance. Be cautious when moving, as you’re not armed when carrying the key.

Join through grate!

The path ahead is a grate that you will require a torch for cutting to open. Follow the road for a while until you’ll spot the welder glowing to your left. Be careful not to drop it into the water in front of you, it could cause a game to be halted because you won’t be able to play without it. If a player is carrying the item (as they are carrying an entire inventory) Stop them before they’re dead and drop it on the water.

You must jump across the objects that are the electrified water. Touching it immediately will kill you. Do a quick real-life breath prior to each sprint jump to make sure your body is strong enough and won’t fall off an opportunity to jump. When you’ve reached the end you can use the second fire button (right button by default) on the sluggish area on the grille. It is possible to stop the process.

Find dynamite, and blow it through the ceiling!

Dead survivors will reappearing after being in the room in front. Be sure to take your time in the area before proceeding towards the highway. Be aware of the tiny prickly nook between the barricade and the bus. Note the red white X to your left. You are likely to return with explosives. Continue forward until you see a police vehicle with a an hud signal in front of it, asking you to press it. Follow the directions and then walk in to push the vehicle. Turn around and walk down the pipe to your left.

A few teammates freeze once they get to the end of the game Don’t be expecting any unexpected courage from their side. Get past them, and use guns to eliminate the zombies that are likely to be at the other side, and swiftly make room so that your team can follow you. Enter the red container and pick up the dynamite on the cabinet, you are not armed when carrying it.

Return until you reach the red-colored X you saw before, and jump onto the crates near the flood light and get back to the top. Put the dynamite in the X once you have returned and keep away from the explosion.

Activate elevator!

The water here isn’t likely to cause illness to people as the graffiti says, so don’t think about standing in it. Keep pressing forward until you reach the drop-down and an space.

The task at hand can appear daunting, but to understand what’s going on, you need to Look for the same colors on your compasses (default keys C). Green is the color of the fence lock to the right. There are green pliers upstairs. There’s an unfinished staircase to the to the left at the bottom of the dropdown. Be cautious when climbing the top of the shack as runners will appear once you unlock the door. Return the pliers to the fence before opening the door.

In front of you is a container that is full of zombies. you can open it using your keys (default button E) and then clear the container. Once they are gone, take the sockets to each dot on your compasses (one within the enclosed area and the other on the generator that is next to the elevator. Make sure you hold your use key to the generator after each is done, or the process could be interrupted.

For the blue, it’s a switch in another container for zombies. Utilize the door insideto clear the zombies, then carry this switch to your elevator. Once you’ve done that you can turn the switch on to turn the elevator up.

Make sure you push the cart!

Utilize your compasses (default keys C) to locate the loading cart that glows blue. It is on your right. Then, walk into it. Be aware that the order of the three objectives could differ.

Take the smoke grenade!

A smoke grenade is found in the nearby building Make use of your compass find its exact location, then return it onto the wheel. The next mission is to “Push the cart!”

Or, the smoke grenade is located in a pipeyard, where you have to jump over a vehicle and a fence to get to it. It will be located close to the cart. Go through the vents, then hold your control key in the spinning crank and then look to see the smoke gun through the passages.

Take out your car’s battery!

The battery for the car isn’t located on the main floor; you must climb up the dark , depressing brick building behind the cart to locate it. Enter the building, then take a left toward the red vending machines , then go upstairs with them. Take a linear path until you come to the Dawn of the Dead slide that is projected. Enter through the metal door to the opposite end of the space. proceed towards the end of the balcony. You’ll see an escalator. Go up, then walk across another balcony until you’re at the point you left, just one lower floor. Your car’s battery may be in these rooms right now. It is possible to walk down the hallway until you find a shortcut to the metal door that leads to the ladders on your balcony. Return to your cart using the battery, which will set the goal the way it was “Push the cart!”.

Find a code inside the office building, and you can take a paint can!

The paint bucket can be located in the Alias Telecom building’s top floor. I’m not sure where to locate the code, but take a few samples from this


. They’re not predetermined, but random. Return to the cart using the paint bucket and continue pushing the cart.

Make sure you use the loot items in all of your games!

Take the smoke grenade and paint cans towards the outline on the cart. Follow the hud’s directions for drawing an S.O.S (can be cut off). Locate the ladder next to them. Bring the car battery to the generator. It is not possible to interrupt the generator.

Watch out to see the helicopter!

Wait until the rescue arrives, it’ll be right alongside the S.O.S. writing. A cutscene will be played when it is received.

Completing Underground awards the “Commuter Hell” achievement.


Short linear map , set in a vast railyard.

Find the code to escape from the office building.

Gather your items around the starting point, there’s plenty of things to find. Once you’re all set to go and break the rubbish that is blocking the exit by slashing it and then head down the stairs to the floor below. The 2nd floor is where there’s a piece of piece of paper that has numbers on it, near the yellow-lit room. Keep it in mind, and then scavenge whatever you can, and then head further down the stairs to the parking area.

Input the code on the keypad near by. Sometimes, the keypad won’t accept the code, it’s an error in the map that is not synchronizing the code across the page. If that happens you must find the codes here:


. Press the button on the inside using your key (default button E) to let the shutter open.

Find a way for you to gain access to the warehouse

This is an objective that branches, and it might not show up during your game. Go inside the first warehouse to see an explosive barrel that is glowing red. Near the corner, take this barrel towards the shutter door. With an X in the floor shoot from at a safe distance. Go through the hole after the fire is gone.

Choose a tool that can get the manhole open

The branch is part of an object It may not show up in your game. To the left on the left side of the shutter, is the manhole which you must open. There is a bar in the parking area that you can take to the manhole to open it. You are safe while carrying it. Take it over to the manhole and break it open.

Use the welder

A branching objective is a part of it It may not be visible during your playthrough. Go down the sewers, be aware of the instructions on the wall, and stay clear of touching the water with the plague. Take a look at the pipes, and you will find welding equipment just in front of you, and bring it along as you spot a ladder near. Soon , you’ll find a light and a grate that blocks the route out. Use the secondary fire of your welder (right button by default) to open the grate. make sure you don’t touch the grate as else it won’t be registered. It is possible to stop the process without losing any progress.

Lift the elevator, then ascend to the top level

Go upstairs and then toward the end of your dark space. There are a few loose plugs and a switch that needs for a pull. Combine two and two and it will turn on the elevator button beneath you on your route to here. Utilize it, enter and take the elevator to ascend.

Walkie-talkie to pick up

There’s a walkie-talkie located in the security room to the just to the right of the elevator. take it and you’ll be greeted to by the train driver who is on the other side. The conductor will talk briefly about the incident, but there will be the code required to unlock the door for exit.

Door code is #

Step up to the exit doors and type in the radioman’s code. provided, then make use of the compasses (default button C) to search for the code in case you don’t remember or if you tune to the radioman out.

Find the fuel that will power your generator

It is an ensuing branching goal however it might not show up in the game you play through. Go outside the station and make a left-hand turn behind two trains in the field. Follow the light up to the shed, where you will find the generator. A fuel tank is located in front of it, below the turntable. Pick it up, and then leap up onto the turntable’s middle to jump out. Install the gas in the generator.

Start the turntable

The first objective could be skipped, and instead you’ll be asked just to switch on the turntable.

The generator is located next to an edgy shed in dark red, enter the shed and access to control the panel.

Clear the turntable mechanism

Rejoin the turntable and pull out a piece of trash so that the turntable can spin. Keep track of the train while it eliminates any zombies it encounters. Be aware of runners and children who are coming in as the train passes through.

Turn off the switch in front of the locomotive.

There’s a switch on the train that has stopped. Press the use button on it.

Then, throw the other switch

On the other side of the garden is a second switch. Make use of it.

Release hand brakes

Get into the train and turn the two cranks that glow to set the train ready to leave.

When the engineer is ready, he will call the engineer.

Hit the use key on the radio, and the conductor will begin the train. Be sure that everyone is on board Anyone who is not on board will be required to sprint across the field in order to catch up.

Completed Zephyr is rewarded with an award called the “Way of the Zephyrs” achievement.