Victoria 2 Cheats & Commands – Also all the Events – Infamy. Population. Militancy. Annex. Jingoism. Diplomatic Points
Victoria 2 Cheats Console Commands
- Addresearch(addr] [techname]. Adds research at a specified name
- blockade – Blockade province.
- Changeowner [TAG] [province ID] – To change the current owner of a province
- conquerall [country tags] All enemy provinces are under our control.
- debug – Information about money transfers
- debug alwaysaddwargoal — Removes wargoal limitations
- debug alwaysdiplo – Diplomats endless.
- alwaysreform – Eliminates the one-month wait between reforms
- influence – Every Great Power’s influence is fixed at 100
- invent (debugging)– Instantly choose your invention.
- debug Market – Toggle log price changes.
- Debug Researchpoints [number] Set research points
- debug yesmen The AI will accept any deal
- election – Starts common elections
- fow– Toggle fogs of war
- goods X– Gives X items to player
- inc – Instant construction
- inr – Instant research
- leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value] – Adds prestige to leaders
- Leadership – Provides X points of leadership
- Militancy [level]– Changes in militancy level
- Militancy [province] [ideology] Sets high militancy
- Money X — Gives X money
- PluralityX – Sets of X Plurality Level
- Prestige X – Gives X prestige
- Reorganiz All Units = 100% Organization and Full Strength
- researchpoints(rpoints) [num] – Adds research points.
- rebellion [province id] — Rise all valid rebels in the country it controls
- showprovinceid(provid) – Toggles province ID visibility
- Spawn Unit [unit] [province ID]
- suppress [num] — Adds suppression points
- tag [TAG] Change the country of the player
- teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id] – Teleports the selected unit
- upperhouse Instant upper house reelection
Victoria 2 Cheats – Infamy Cheat
- Infamy decrease – Event 18540: -2 prestige & + infamy
- Increase Infamy Cheat – Event 14670: +5 Infamy and -5 Prestige
Victoria 2 Cheats – Population Cheat
- Increase population cheatevent 146880 = Baby boom event
Victoria 2 Cheats – Militancy Cheat
- Increase Militancy Cheat –militancy = Replace X by the Militancy that you desire
Victoria 2 Cheats-Annex Cheat
- Annex cheatconquerall
Victoria 2 Cheats – Jingoism Cheat
- Jingoism cheat – event 14180
Victoria 2 Cheats – Diplomatic points Cheat
- Add Diplomatic points cheat –debug alwaysdiplo
Victoria 2 Cheats – Events
Events by the Government
- Event 1000 = Unlock Socialist Government
- Event 1001 = Unlock Communist Government
- Event 1002 = Unlock Anarcho-liberal Government
- Event 1003 = Unlock Fascist Government
Casus Belli Events
- Event 2510 = Reduced Size
- Event 2520 = Humanity
- Event 2530 = A Place in the Sun
- Event 2540 = Reduced Size
- Event 2550 = Drum of War
- Event 2560 =Patrimony
- Event 2570 = Requirement
Reform Events
- Event 3000 = Healthcare Support in favor of 30%
- Event 3100 = Media Rights
- Event 3200 = New Political Party
- Event 3300 = Support for Pensions in Favor of 20%
- Event 3400 = Subsidies for Unemployment in Support of 30%
- Event 3401 = Extend Subsidies, or No
- Event 3402 = Lower subsidies or good
- Event 3403 = 40 in favor of Acceptable Subsidies/Acceptable Min Wage
- Event 3404 = 20 in Favor of Good Subsidies
- Event 3500 = 30 % in favor of Trade Unions
- Event 3600 = Security Regulations
- Event 3700 = 40 % in favor of Lower Work Hour Reform
- Event 3750 =Public Meetings
- Event 3800 = 40 % in Support of Increases Wage Reform
- Event 3900 = 40 Towards Trade Unions Reform
- Event 4000 = Support for the Slavery Abbolishment Movement
- Event 4100 = 40 % in favor of Upper House
- Event 4200 = 10 % in favor of New Voting System Reform
- Event 4300 = 20 in favor of New Vote Franchising Reform
- Event 12000 = Security Regulations
- Event 12010 = Safety Regulation Reform
- Event 60108 = To Extend or Not Slavery
Election Events
- Event 14000 = Commerce Policy
- Event 14010 = Economics
- Event 14020 = Religion
- Event 14030 = Citizenship
- Event 14040 =War
- Event 14050 = Protectionism
- Event 14060 = Protectionionism vs. Free Trade
- Event 14070 = Laissez Faire
- Event 14080 = Interventionism
- Event 14090 = Stat Capitalism
- Event 14100 = Planning economy
- Event 14110 = Atheism
- Event 14120 = Secularized
- Event 14130 = pluralism
- Event 14140 = Moalism
- Event 14150 = Residence
- Event 14160 = Limited Citizenship
- Event 1417 = Full Citizenship
- Event 14180 = Jingoism
- Event 14190 = PRO-MILITARY
- Event 14200 =Anti-Military
- Event 14210 = Paifism
Upper House Events
- Event 18000 = 1.0 Socialist
- Event 18010 = 5 Liberals, 2 Conservatives, or 5 Conservatives, and 2 Liberals respectively
- Event 18020 =20.0 Liberals
- Event 18030 = 1.0.0 Liberals
- Event 18040 =20.0 Socialists
- Event 18050 = 20.00 Liberals
- Event 18060 = 1.0.0 Radicals
- Event 18070 = 3.0 Liberals
- Event 18080 = 3.0 Radicals
- Event 18090 = 4.5 Liberals
- Event 18100 20% for Healthcare Reform
- Event 18110 20 Towards Subsides Reform
- Event 18120 50.0 Conservators
- Event 18130 50.0 Sociists
- Event 18150 20.0 Fascist
- Event 18160 1.0.0 Liberals
- Event 18170 Socialists
- Event 18180 Loses One Consciousness, or Loses One Militancy
- Event 18190 10 % in Favor of Jingoism
- Event 18200 10 % in Favor of Laissez Faire
- Event 18520 10% in Favor Of Jingoism or Lose 2.0 War Exhaustion or 5% in favor of Jingoism
- Event 17500 20 Towards Socialism
- Event 185580 20% for Pacifism
Crimes and Punishments Events
- Event 22000 = Trusty Systems
- Event 22010 = Penal Colony
- Event 22020 = Penal Reform
- Event 22030 = Fol Murder
- Event 22040 = Chain Gang
- Event 22050 = Wanted
- Event 22060 = Live Without Parole
- Event 22070 = Debtors’ Prison
- Event 22080 = Capital Punishment
- Event 44000 = Leper Colony Found in Hawaii
Leadership Events
- Event 60000 = Communist Dictatorship
- Event 60010 = Military dictatorship
- Event 60020 = Radical dictatorship
- Event 60030 = Fascist Dictatorship
- Event 60040 = Absolute Monarchy
- Event 60050 = Constitutional Republic
- Event 60060 = Semi Constitutional Monarchy
- Event 60070 = Constitutional Monarchy
- Event 60080 = Military dictatorship
- Event 60090 = Radical dictatorship
- Event 60100 = Communist Dictatorship
- Event 60110 = Fascist Dictatorship
Genocide Events
- Event 21500 = 10 Life Rate & 10% Population
- Event 21000 = Famines & Diseases -4 Population
- Event 4435 = Cultural Mind
- Event 4434 = Religious Minority
Militancy & Infamy Events
- Event 18500 = 1 Militancy, -1 Consciences, and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 18540 = 3 Infamy, -2 Infamy, and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 18550 = +2 Militancy +10.5 Prestige or +1 Militancy
- Event 18510 = +8.400 Prestige
- Event 4402 = 30.00 Improve Neighbors Relations and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 961150 = +25 Prestige and -25 Infamy
- Event18560 = 1 Militancy or 1 Consciences
- Event 18570 = +1 Militancy and +10 Prestige or +814.61 Points
- Event 4305 = 2 Militancy
- Event 12060 = -1 War Exhaustion
- Event 18550 = +2 and +10.5 Prestige, or +1 Militancy
- Event18560 = 1 Militancy or 1 Consciences
- Event 4402 =30.00 Improve Neighbors’ Relations and +5.250 Prestige
More Events
- Event 1100 = Gold Rush
- Event 2000 = Assimilation Problems
- Event 60120 = Annxation Event
- Event 60140 = Politic Reform
- Event 60107 = Ends Women Suffrage
- Event 14680 = The baby boom event
- Event 18530 =+11629.21 Research points
- Event 18570 =+10 Prestige, -1 Militancy, or +814.61 Points
- Event 19000 = Great Power Rivalries
- Event 19500 = Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
- Event 4400 = Trade Policy Rich – Militancy
- Event 4402 = 30.00 Improve Neighbors Relations and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 5K = A New Sport
- Event 10000 = Liberal Revolutions + Militancy
- Event 13000 = Western Influence, Isolationism
- Event 14500 = Colonial Uprisings
- Event 15000 = Public Meeting of Nationalist Movements
- Event 16000 = American Civil War. (Requires to play in USA)
- Event 17000 = Suffragette Movements
- Event 22500 = Stock Market Crash
- Event 23200 – Explore Nile River
- Event 23400 = Hosting the Olympics
- Event 23450 = Nobel Prize
- Event 29900 = +50% Farmers Efficiency
- Event 30000 = Hosting the World Fairs
- Event 31100 = Discovery of Troy
- Event 31300 = +1 Connectionism
- Event 33000 = Open a Theater In Berlin
- Event 35000 = British Monarchy House Divides
- Event 37700 = Order Church Property Sale
- Event 18500 = 1 Militancy, -1 Consciences, and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 18510 = +8.400 Prestige
- Event 18530 =+11629.21 Research points
- Event 18540 = 3 Infamy, -2 Infamy, and +5.250 Prestige
- Event 19000 = Great Power Rivalries
- Event 19500 = Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu