Could Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Succeed Where Sony’s Spider-Man Failed?

Solo Villain projects haven’t been working out for Sony’s latest output But are you think the Turtles possess the appropriate rogues’ gallery of characters to make it happen?


The cinematic universe idea is gaining popularity, and more and more films will attempt to make their mark in the already saturated market. Every major film from the 20s through the 1990s is set to release an ever-growing film franchise however, not all attempts are likely to be successful.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brand is a cozy presence across every major media platform including comics, cartoons, video games, and more. Their appearances on screen are somewhat limited in recent times, due to some controversial new entries. The fans of the Turtle should not be waiting all the time since Paramount is planning to roll out an array of brand exciting new features.

TMNT projects

Of all the TMNT projects that are currently in process, the most notable can be found in Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s forthcoming animated feature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem! That film is set to release in August however, it’s far from the only one that’s of this kind. Paramount is trying to revive the brand following the difficult legacy left by Michael Bay’s time in the series. Bay and a majority of the stars in the films were contracted to make three films, but no third film is expected.

In the meantime, Paramount is planning a reboot of the live-action Turtles releases and announced the news last the year that SNLfunnyman Colin Jost and his brother Casey have been hired to write the script. Additionally, Paramount also stated that they’ll be putting together the series of films by themselves for their most well-known villains. There isn’t much information beyond that, however, it raises intriguing questions.

People who are fans of genre films will recognize a similar approach similar to the one that is currently destroying Sony’s Spider-Man universe, referred to in the SSU. Following the moderate commercial success that was Venom which had a lot of fans clamoring for over the years and decades, the SSU has come up with a number of bizarre decisions.

Its most notable success is Morbius, which was released to disappointing sales and terrible reviews. The massive meme culture which embraced mocking the film resulted in Sony re-release the film, resulting in one of the most hilarious moments of corporate misfortune in recent times.

Also, the negative reviews for the Venom sequel and the lack of hope for the upcoming sequels and the future are looking dark in the case of SSU. The majority of fans aren’t at all interested in the ongoing efforts to make Spidey’s rogues galleries into villains However, do the Ninja Turtles actually have an antagonistic cast that can have earned their own solo projects?

TMNT characters

There’s one villain that everybody is familiar with, the Turtles And he’s the only one to get on the screen in the event that Paramount decides to introduce villains. Shredder has been identified as one of the TMNT characters that have the most intriguing background, with the greatest popular name recognition, and best overall fan-generated goodwill.

The story about Oroku Saki, a ninja who is raised in an intense rivalry with a warrior who ultimately leads a violent criminal life it could make a fantastic standalone film. A majority of comics and cartoons have taken the time to portray the rivalry between the two men that became Shredder and Splinter and the possibility of a complete film adaptation of this story could be a good idea. Anybody could appreciate the story’s merits. But are there other villains worthy of the film treatment?

Ninja Turtle antagonists

The majority of Ninja Turtle antagonists are either creatures that are mutated with each other or alien forces. An animal like Krang is unlikely to be able to carry the full story, considering his role as an overarching villain. The Utrom and Krang’s robot bodies are likely to play the role of adversaries to the Turtles. A lot of villains lack the depth needed to create an entire story.

For instance, someone such as Wingnut, Leatherhead, or Armaggon will require a page-one revision to be a 90-minute story. A handful of Turtle villains don’t have any consistency, leaving the majority of their personalities to be determined every time. Rat King, for instance, has appeared in all versions of the Ninja Turtles story, but the character is different every time. The old Chaos God version of the IDW comics will have an intriguing tale, while the common poor Pied Piper might struggle. The issue TMNT is likely to confront is similar to the one that the SSU is slowly dying under.


TMNT villain films

If the directors are hired to create these hypothetical TMNT villain films, they must find out what fans like in the character they’re working with and then bring it to the screen. This is the technique James Gunn seems to have done well and that is, falling in love with characters that have no source material, and then sharing his feelings with the world.

Sony is constantly trying to skate off with famed names While also using their most intimate names to limit the risk. If Paramount plans to make anything worth mentioning from their roster of characters, they must master a complex style. Sony has offered a number of valuable lessons about how to avoid mistakes, but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Many villain solo films face a tough battle.