Mewtwo Raids in Pokemon Go

Mewtwo Raids in Pokemon Go. Mewtwo is available for Pokemon Go raids until July 1. Check the calendar.

Mewtwo Raids in Pokemon Go

The most strong Pokemon is Mewtwo, one of the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go, to use in raids, gyms, as well as for playing in the Pokemon Go fighting league. Mewtwo is a Pokemon that can be taken down by beating him during an attack and will be available from the 1st of July at 10:00 a.m. at local time. Get as many players as you can to take on Mewtwo! We’ll give you some interesting details including dates and the attacks the man will be taught.


  • Mewtwo
  • From 16 to 23 , he will begin to master Shadow Ball
  • From 23-30, you will be able to learn Psystrike

June Events

Through the entire period of the season, we’ll be taking part in various events focusing on updates for Pokemon Go, which will delight us. Make sure you write everything down! Bookmark our website and check it out every now and then to keep up-to-date with all the latest events happening within Pokemon Go. Below you will find a list of events. To find out more information, click the hyperlink “click here” in the associated event.

Pokemon Go Fest

It’s the Pokemon Go Fest will be on June 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday). Shaymin, Mythical Pokemon, will make its debut.


To learn more, click here.

Pokemon Go Fest Seattle

To learn more, click here.

Adventure Week

From June 7 to June 12. Trainers! Get your pokeballs ready to catch every rock-type Pokemon you can. In this contest you’ll explore the amazing and exciting realm of fossils.

To learn more, click here.

TCG Crossover Event

It will begin on June 16 and run until June 30. Niantic promises to delight us with an update that is based on The Pokemon TCG (the collectible game of cards) Stay tuned for this amazing event!


To learn more, click here.

Community Day

Note the dates on your calendar. We’ll give you a link once we know more. The next three dates of the community day are:

  • June 25 > Deino
  • To get all the details about this Community Day of Deino. To find out more information, click here.
  • Deino > Zweilous > Hydreigon
  • July 17
  • August 13

Mewtwo Raids in Pokemon Go –Go Battle League

The game Pokemon Go, Go Battle League: Seasion 11 will begin on the 1st of June and will run for three months (almost the entire summer) and will close on September 1st..