Disney+ has made a slight adjustment to the Obi-Wan Kenobi release date. Ewan McGregor, the lead actor, announced that the series will not start on May 25, but instead on May 27, as he did in a video. The series will now start on Friday, not Wednesday as previously announced by Ewan McGregor in a video. Fans will receive two episodes as a compensation for the delay. Then they will only need to wait five more days until the next episode. The remainder of the season will be published weekly on Wednesdays.
Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi) and Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker) are back in their roles. Rupert Friend( Hitman 47 ), Rupert Friend( Swagger ), Rupert Friend Jr. ( Swagger ), Rupert Friend (“It Comes At Night ”), Rupert Friend (“Swagger ”), Rupert Friend Jr. (Swagger ), Rupert & Furious ), Simone Kessell” ( Wonderland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Simone Kessell („Wonland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Beny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), and Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), Benny Safdie ( Wonderland ), and Benny Safdie and Benny Safdie ( Benny Safdie – to the Star Wars:
Joby Harold is scripting the mini-series. This is Harold’s debut series project. He was the Executive Producer of John Wick Chapter 3 – Parabellum, and also co-wrote the screenplay of Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead.
Deborah Chow was an active director. Chow is a director of two episodes of The Mandalorian. He is also well-known for series projects like Fear the Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, and Mr. Robot, Iron Fist, American Gods, and The Man in the High Castle are some of the series Chow has directed.