Musicus Walkthrough & Routes

Musicus Walkthrough and Routes -Unlock all endings and complete routes: Yako Ozaki (Meguru Kousaka), Bad End and Hanai Mikazuki


Go! creators have created a visual novel that tells a story. Go! Nippon! – MUSICUS! This crowdfunded success tells the story of how we struggle to live in society’s mold, while still living our lives. A full-length visual novel, MUSICUS! Explores many walks of life.


You can finish the routes and endpoints as long as you save where we have indicated.

Hanai Mikazuki – Musicus Walkthrough and Routes

You can complete Hanai Mikazuki’s ending by following these steps:

  • I believe I will go to college. This is what I have been trying to do, and I must get into my first choice school.
  • In reality, I am a little jealous.
  • I’m gonna do both.
  • You may be right.
  • Ozaki-san can tell you about the summer and how you joined a band.
  • Although I don’t know the future, it’s possible to see a path.
  • I don’t care about what others think. I will choose my own path based on my values.
  • Although I don’t know everything, a part me longs to know what he saw.
  • Avail a Save Game (slot 1)
  • I don’t wish to cause sorrow. It is possible to put it all on one thing in your life.
  • It’s something I haven’t considered. I wanted to be back on stage and decided to start a band.
  • I’m happy if we have fun together.
  • Because it’s cool. Isn’t that enough to make it cool?
  • You’re right. This might be a good idea for later.
  • This one is more similar to me than I am.
  • Flashback (slot 2)
  • Mikazuki is basically my closest friend. I think through music and want to share my thoughts with others.
  • Yes, that’s right, I’d be glad if people recognized me for what I am.
  • Save game (slot 3)
  • It was great. It’s about being yourself.
  • It will be a Hanai-san song, which we’ll announce at his anniversary.

Now that you have completed the Hanai Mizuki route let’s move on to the Yako Ozaki Route

Yako Ozaki – Musicus Walkthrough and Routes

You can find all the steps and options to complete Yako Ozaki’s ending here

Load(slot 1)


  • No matter what form it takes I will never be able to gamble on my life.
  • Hold his hand.

Now that you have completed the Yako Ozaki route let’s move on to the Meguru Kousaka Route

Musicus Walkthrough and Routes – Meguru Kuusaka

You can complete Meguru Kousaka’s ending by following these steps:

Load(slot 2)

  • I believe I am Kosaka’s san. I don’t care about expressivity, but I do want to listen to music.

Now that you have completed the Meguru Kousaka route let’s move on to the Bad End

Bad End

The Bad End is unlocked by these steps and options


  • Load(slot 3)
  • This won’t do. No, our live shows couldn’t be any better.
  • It will be announced as a new song. We’re not saying Hanai-san did it.
  • Later, think about the band. This is a good idea.