Next dates of events and community day – September Pokemon Go

Dates of next activities and common day in October Pokemon Go. Calendar of the upcoming 4 community days as well as 2 events for September.

Be sure to keep an eye on our Pokemon schedule of events to ensure you don’t forget anything related to Pokemon!

The next dates for the community and events

Then we’ll have another great Community Day, so go make your poke balls. Which do you think will appear from Classic Pokemon? Do you have any ideas? Let us know in the comments what Pokémon you believe it could be and we’ll release it.

Upcoming Community Days

  • September 18
  • October 15th
  • November 5 (Classic)
  • 12th of November

Future events

  • September 3
  • 11 of September

Source: Official Post

August & September Events

Throughout the entire period of the season, we’ll enjoy various events that focus on updates for Pokemon Go, which will delight us. Make sure you write it down! Bookmark our website and check it out every now and then to stay informed and be aware of every new event within Pokemon Go. Below is a listing of events. To learn more about them, click this link “click here” in the related event.

Dates of the next community and events Battle League

The game Pokemon Go, Go Battle League: Session 11 will begin on the 1st of June and last for three months (almost all summer long), and will close on September 1st.